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The Mountain Breeze Quilt in Solids

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!! I know it’s a busy time of year, but I hope you got to spend a few moments at peace and hopefuly sewing. Last week, I picked out some fabric to make another quilt for the class I will be teaching next quarter at the Quilt Basket. You guessed it! It will be teaching the Mountain Breeze pattern. I can’t wait to see how it turns out. I always like changing the colors I use dramatically so it looks like very different. Speaking of different, here is the Mountain Breeze Quilt in solids. The Mountain Breeze Quilt Look This quilt pattern is one that I love so much!! When I created the Mountain Breeze pattern, I created it with 24 different fabrics, but don’t worry you can trim that down. This is the Mountain Breeze Quilt in solids. The fabrics are all Art Gallery Fabrics from their Pure Solids collection. Art Gallery has a wonderful feel to their fabrics, they are soft and thin. They offer a beautiful rainbow of fun. This quilt features two gradients. One of pinks, starting from a

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12 Days of Christmas Sale & Projects

Christmas is coming; the goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man’s hat… Yes. This is the song I am listing to as I sit down to write this post. I am in dismay thinking that Christmas is only a few weeks away. I started planning what I was going to do for Christmas months ago. After being away on a quilting cruise for a week, put on by Stitching Heaven. Plus Thanksgiving travel and trying to catch up with work. I scaled back what I would be doing as the 12 Days of Christmas sale, which is going on now. Don’t worry, you still have time to join in the savings. What is my 12 Days of Christmas sale?? Each day you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a % off discount, get a gift with your purchase or get an entry into a giveaway with each $40 spent. If you shop on a % off day, like the first day of the sale, you will need a code to unlock the discount in my ElisabethDeMoo.com shop. (No code need in my Etsy

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