Em’s Bridal Shower Tablecloth: My Creative Journey
So, I did this thing!!! I stepped outside my comfort zone and created something that I have fallen in love with. I had a similar idea percolating in the back of my mind, but a project for my niece was the push I needed to bring it to life. Emily—or as I like to call her, Em—is my brother’s oldest daughter and the third of my siblings’ kids to get married. When I told her I’d love to help in any way, I was thrilled when she reached out, asking me to make a tablecloth for her bridal shower. She sent me a few examples of what she envisioned: hand-stitched tablecloths. One featured flowers and bugs with a spring theme, and another looked like a table set for dinner. She had already purchased artwork on Etsy for cards and other wedding prep materials. With her vision in mind, I was set to create a bridal shower tablecloth. The Creative Spark for the Bridal Shower Tablecloth The curtains in my bedroom are stitched with thick thread. Giving me the idea of recreating the hand-stitched look Em wanted. Since my sewing machine