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Quilting Tutorial

Terracotta Fiori QAL Week 7 Quilting

I started quilting a few years before 2000 — it’s been a long and winding path. The first three quilts I made for myself I hand quilted. One of those first three quilts still isn’t done yet. I ended up binding it because it’s been moved so many times that it’s lived in multiple cities. I have tried stitching in the ditch, but that makes me crazy because I see each and every stitch that isn’t in the ditch. Lucky for me, my sister bought a long arm and lets me use it. Thanks to that machine, I’ve quilted many quilts. As I was looking for a new machine, I came across a used Bernina 440. It has something I’d never heard of before… A stitch regulator. It was at that moment I fell in love with Berninas. Before that, I had received a Paff from my parents. — which is a whole other story. LOL. I can remember the first time I used the BSR foot. My parents were out of town, so I was asked to feed the geese, water the plants, and make it look like they

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Terracotta Fiori QAL: Week 6

Guess what?? It’s already week six of our Terracotta Fiori Quilt Along! I know… I can’t believe it either. How is everyone doing?? Did you get all your triangles put together?? Pulling out the paper can get a little overwhelming, but you can do this. Now it’s time to do some basting. For tips on pulling out paper, head over to last week’s blog post. Last week, we also sewed our half hexagons together. This is one of my favorite steps because of the freedom you have to play with the layout and decide on color placement. After laying everything out, you can reward yourself by stepping back and taking in the view of how your quilt will look. At this point — after I’ve decided on the layout — that I like to take a photo for reference. I can easily refer back to the placement while I’m sewing all the rows together.  Speaking of sewing the rows together… That’s part we are focusing on this week! After sewing the rows together, trimming the sides, and spray basting the quilt together, we’ll be ready to quilt next week. Today I have a

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