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Quilts for a Cause & Hope’s Path Pattern

Good morning!! I have a special treat for you today. Today is another Pattern Release party! Say hello to a very special project, Hope’s Path Quilt. I designed this pattern so that Quilts for a Cause can sell it. What is Quilts for a Cause? I invited Terry Gallegos the president of Quilts for a Cause. We will be talking about how you can serve the community with quilts. I am so excited to learn more about Quilts for a Cause with you as I am new to the organization and board. Within one or two meetings, I volunteered my pattern designing skills, and I am happy to share with you what I came up with and that it is now for sale. Like all my pattern releases, I have a special gift so keep reading. To get your copy of the Hope’s Path click here. Quilts for A Cause Terry, thank you so much for joining me. I must say we had a lot of fun during the Great Jelly Roll Bash, where I got to see your version of Hopes Path. Terry, tell me about yourself. I retired from the City of Tucson

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Smart Iron, What are they?

Taking the time to iron and starch fabrics before you start a project builds a solid foundation for the rest of the process – I love crisp edges and strongly believe that they make creating so much easier. Today we are sitting down with Michele Muska, who works for Oliso Smart Iron. I got my hands on this iron and absolutely love it. I am so happy to be chatting with Michele today. Grab yourself some tea, coffee, or maybe even some wine, and let’s talk about creating.     Tell me a little about yourself!  M: I live in North Central Connecticut and just love New England! I have 2 boys and I’m now a grammy to 2 of the most adorable girls! Gardening, crafting, and cooking are truly a passion for me. I also have written columns and craft/quilt projects for magazines in the industry. Recently my feature on silk flowers is in the What Women Create Summer 2021 and My Patchwork Jeans feature in the Spring 22 issue. My book Quilting The New Classic was published by SoHo Publishing in 2014. My website is: michelemuska.com I have a custom

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