What is a Quilting Cruise?
It was on one of those trips as I was driving to Las Cruces NM from Tucson AZ for work, when I first heard about a Quilting Cruise. I was listening to the Modern Sewciety Podcast, which I love. Stephanie Kendron was going to go to Alaska on one. I was left thinking about what they were and how they would fit into my life. My main thought… Being trapped on a boat with nowhere to go and nothing to do. And able to quilt… That’s amazing!!! I say this with humor and simplifying it to almost nothing. Cruise boats are amazing!! Full of life, entertainment, and things to do. I went on one when I was a teenager so my perception might be a little off. It was a family reunion. And to get a full picture, you have to know that I am the 82nd grandchild on my dad’s side. When I say family reunion, it’s a great big party! Family, fun, food, sun, and adventure. That’s what a curise is. The thing that stands out the most to me is escargot. My brother had me taste them