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Hope’s Path Quilt in Libs

I am so excited to share another rendition of the Hope’s Path quilt made by Susan Wells. This quilt was created with Andover fabrics designed by Libs Elliott. I love the color purple; it was actually the accent color at my wedding. Workshop, the fabric line used in this quilt, came out earlier this year. It offers a full range of colors from pinks to yellows to greens to blues to grays all the way to blacks. The designs found within it are simple and truly abstract. Color Placement The way that Susan paired the purple and grey fabrics is perfect. There is contrast between the colors, but it is not a drastic contrast. With a paring like this you see the difference, but the design still speaks as one. As I was driving around Tucson looking for a place to take quilty photos I found a large metal sculpture at the U of A, called Border Dynamics by Alberto Morackis. I love that the textures in the sculpture are similar to the textures found in the fabrics. Head over to my Instagram account to see the whole sculpture. If you

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Jelly Roll Day 2022 – Join Me

THE GREAT JELLY ROLL BASH We are getting close to the big holiday. A day devoted to the greatest precut ever created: the jelly roll. What is it?? Some people might think I am talking about a dessert. Yes, that type of jelly roll is delicious. I have a big sweet, tooth, so I would not pass up that type of jelly roll. However, today I am talking about a quilting precut: the beautiful and the wonderful jelly roll. It is 2 1/2″ cuts of about 40 strips of fabric selvage to selvage. All of the fabrics in a jelly roll are created to work well with each other. The beauty of the precut is that you get a whole line of fabric in a little bundle. A lot of bang for less buck. A little less than 10 years ago, I attended a wonderful sewing event. It took place in a hotel. There were sewing machines, projects, and door prizes. I had so much fun and have dreamed of creating something like that ever since. Last year I tested out a zoom sew day that encompassed what I thought it

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