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DIY Jelly Roll Scarf: Easy Beginner’s Project

Whether you are looking for a gift for a specific holiday. Or something special for yourself, something handmade is always better than store-bought. The ingredients to a handmade project start with love, add in time, and you end up with something unique that no one else will have. Christmas is coming up quickly, and I wanted to give you the perfect gift for the dearest person in your life. No matter what their style is everyone can use a scarf. This is an infinity scarf meaning that it doesn’t start or stop but goes around in a full circle. I created this quirky and fun DIY Jelly Roll Scarf using Michael Miller’s Garden Pindot Jelly Roll. Its version is full of color, like a rainbow. But you can customize the look by picking a jelly roll that reminds you of the person you are making it for. DIY Jelly Roll Scarf – Supplies: This is a super simple project that you can finish in one weekend or less. I had everything I needed to make this scarf in my home. That’s right. I didn’t buy anything online, and I didn’t

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Twilight Frenzy Quilt Pattern Release

Today is the big day!! We are two and a half weeks away from Halloween, which also happens to be my birthday. I didn’t plan on it. I definitely didn’t expect it. Actually, I was trying to get ahead for next year, but here we are in the midst of another pattern release. This pattern is something that I have had in my Halloween pattern file for years. Most of the patterns in there are bat related. Looking back over the years, I can see that I am a little obsessed. Click here to see a deep dive into my history with Halloween-themed projects. As I was writing the pattern, I added in some fabrics swatches as placeholders. By the time I was finished with the pattern I couldn’t see it with any other fabrics. So, I got busy and started sewing. This my friends is the Twilight Frenzy Quilt. So, grab yourself an appletini and let’s party!! You definitely want to keep reading because, like most of my pattern releases, I have a treat for you. Tiny Frights Fabric For the Twilight Frenzy quilt I used Ruby Star Society’s

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