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The Secrets Behind this Scrappy Quilt

A Journey into Deep Colors, Scrappy Quilts and Wonky Hexagons Welcome quilting friends! A few weeks back I shared with you my newest pattern, the Inflorescences Quilt. Today, I’m excited to take you on a whimsical journey as we unveil the back of that quilt. A creation that boasts deep, dark colors reminiscent of a starry night and mysterious galaxies, made with fabric scraps. How is this scrappy quilt possible you might ask? With a Wonky Half Hexagon template. Let’s break the quilt down into three different half hexagons and talk about using templates. To begin, let’s talk about the foundation of this quilt back—the Wonky Half Hexagon.I created 3 different types of Half Hexagons. All the following pieces will need to be 7″ x 11″. The first one is the simplest. When you make Half Hexagon 1, it is just one piece of fabric. The next two Half Hexagons are meant to put a dent in your smaller scraps. For Hexagon 2, sew strips together vertically. For Hexagon 3, sew strips together horizontally. To make this a scrappy quilt I used 2.5″ strips of left over fabrics. How to

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Owl Quilt Block: Modern Twist on Tradition

In the world of quilting, every stitch tells a story. And what better way to piece that story together than a sampler quilt? Block Mania is the perfect way for you to get a wide variety of quilt blocks for free. Meet Snowy Owl Quilt block, my take on a modern whimsy owl. This block is the perfect addition to your quilting pattern archive that can add a dash of charm and a sprinkle of magic to your quilts. Snowy Owl Quilt Block Today, I am yet again joining in on this month’s Block Mania blog hop, where us designers are sharing beach-themed quilt blocks. The Snowy Owl Quilt Block stands out because it is not your typical beach scene, but beaches are the homes for a large variety of animals throughout the year. Some live there year-round and some are seasonal visitors. The hobby that I would love to get into is bird watching. So, when I researched beach animals, I couldn’t resist passing up the opportunity to make an owl. Owls have long been symbols of wisdom, mystery, and grace. They watch over the night while looking for

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