I started quilting a few years before 2000 — it’s been a long and winding path. The first three quilts I made for myself I hand quilted. One of those first three quilts still isn’t done yet. I ended up binding it because it’s been moved so many times that it’s lived in multiple cities.
I have tried stitching in the ditch, but that makes me crazy because I see each and every stitch that isn’t in the ditch. Lucky for me, my sister bought a long arm and lets me use it. Thanks to that machine, I’ve quilted many quilts. As I was looking for a new machine, I came across a used Bernina 440. It has something I’d never heard of before… A stitch regulator. It was at that moment I fell in love with Berninas. Before that, I had received a Paff from my parents. — which is a whole other story. LOL.
I can remember the first time I used the BSR foot. My parents were out of town, so I was asked to feed the geese, water the plants, and make it look like they were home. I work literally 130 seconds away from their house — I quickly decided to move my sewing machine in along with lots of other things. This incredibly convenient setup allowed me to sew on my lunch hour and after work. I basically exploded! I tend to do that — like a weed. Or a wildflower. LOL.
While house-sitting, I had a baby quilt done and just needed to quilt and bind it so I could gift it away. I quilted that quilt on the dinner table and it looked like a three-year-old had scribbled in thread all over it. It looked bad!! I mean… it looked really bad. Yet somehow, I was proud of the fact that I finished it. Proud that I used the scraps from one of my tractor quilts to make a whole new quilt. The tractor series is the very first time I designed and created my own quilts. (tractor quilt one, tractor quilt two, tractor quilt three) However, I have never written patterns for them. Even though it was far from perfect, I still gave it as a baby gift.

The Benefits of Taking Classes
A few years later — after I overcame my disappointment over how the quilting looked — I took a class at my local quilt shop and learned so much. It grew my confidence. And I started quilting quilts that I can say I’m very proud of. Most of them are quilted with matchstick lines in different directions.
In 2018, I took a class at Quilt Con with Christina Cameli. She is amazing!! I have three of her books in addition to taking many of her classes. I have been able to quilt things I could never even dream of before learning from her. Click here to see her book about grids.

This year, Christina Cameli released her second line of fabric called, Saguaro for Maywood Studio. It is a beautiful rainbow, of deep to light dessert colors. I love the purple and rust orange. Here is a peak.

Get your copy of the pattern in my Etsy shop by clicking here.
Quilting is probably one of the things I struggle with the most. I have a hard time deciding what is to much and what is not enough. Lines are my go-to, though, because they always look good. I had already quilted two of my Terracotta quilts with lines, so I decided to use the skills I learned in the last class I took from her, Grid Quilting. I was so happy with how it turned out — I made a video to show you part of the process. Hopefully, it will give you some inspiration for ways to quilt your Terracotta Fiori Quilt.
Tell me about how you prefer to quilt your quilt in the comments!
Your Mission: Making Your Quilting Decisions
Yes. That is the mission this week: deciding what you’re going to be quilting on your quilt. Think about what you want and draw it out on paper to get your hand ready to remember it. Test out how you will work yourself in and out of tight spaces. Then you can try it out on a small quilt sandwich. I know — a small sandwich is much easier than a quilt, but… Your hands can work out where to go. After a little practice, you will be ready to quilt on your quilt.

Where to Start
I like to start in the middle, but if that’s too overwhelming for you, you can start closer to the edge. Don’t judge yourself too harshly. After you’re done, all of the mistakes you worried about as you quilted will blend in with all the other stitches. And you won’t be able to find them easily.
Battings have recommended open spaces, so that might be something that comes into play when deciding on a quilting design.
What’s Next?
Next week we will be the last step in our quilt along which is binding the quilt.
For your convenience, here is the timeline:
Oct 8th – Picking Out Fabric
Oct 15th – Cutting Fabric
Oct 22nd – Paper Piecing Tips and Tricks
Oct 23rd – Zoom Sew Day – 9:30am to 1:30pm
Oct 29th – Catch Up
Nov 5th – Sewing Triangles Together and Putting Rows Together
Nov 7th – Zoom Sew Day – 9:30am to 1:30pm
Nov 12th – Putting The Top Together & Spray Basting
Nov 19th – Quilting
Nov 26th – Binding – Grand Prize
Here’s a peek at this week’s gift: I will take photos of it this weekend Going out of town for my day job put a wrinkle in my schedule. But it will get ironed out, like that stack of triangle that are waiting for me on my sewing table.
Instagram Giveaway Reminder
You can see everyone’s photos on Instagram by clicking here #terracottafioriqa. You can also use the link to see if you used the right hashtag. Remember, I won’t be able to see your photos if your account is private… And if I can’t see your photos, I can’t choose you as a winner for one of the prizes. After the Quilt Along has ended, feel free to change your account back to private. If you have any trouble doing this, please let me know — I would be happy to help.
If you missed the beginning of the Quilt Along — don’t worry, you can join in at any time. Get your copy of the pattern in my Etsy shop by clicking here.
We have a winner!!! Congratulations!!!
Cassie you are my winner!!! Send me your mailing address and I will mail you your goodies. If you remember, the gift is a bag of batting and a book from Christina Cameli.
The Comments
Woohoo! Lucky me!
Woohoo! Lucky me!