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Quilt Block Mania – Floral

What day is it??? It’s Quilt Block Mania Day! Today I joined in a Block Hop that my friend Carolina Moore puts on. It is something I have wanted to do for some time, so I am excited to be here.  Are you ready for some flower power?? The theme that ties all the blocks on today’s block hop together is floral. A theme that is too good for me to pass up! I started with one flower and ended up with four. The orange part is the top of the flower, or disc flower, and the petals point down. I can see a tiny bee buzzing around the top, bathing in pollen. The Flower Power Quilt Block This block is called Flower Power and decided to use scraps from the CoCo fabric line by Michael Miller. I have a few extra fat quarters from the bundle that I used in the last Garden Star quilt I made. This block is a simple and fun block that will brighten up any quilt. Use one in a Sampler Quilt or make one quilt by repeating the block over and over. Just

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Michael Miller Fabrics and Giveaway

Something awesome happened!! I talked about it on Instagram, but haven’t shared it here on my blog. I am one of seven Michael Miller brand ambassadors. It is so exciting! A big box of fabric was delivered a few weeks ago, and I have been busy trying to decide what designs I will take from idea to written pattern. I think I have narrowed down my list to about five. Fingers crossed I will get to them all written soon. As I was fretting about getting something new out. I decided to take a breath and make another version of my Garden Star 5 quilt. Within the box that Micheal Miller sent me, I found a bolt of white fabric along with a blot of black fabric and some precuts. Making it the perfect opportunity to try something new, black as a background fabric. It seems like I always use white on white or white on cream. It has become my go-to background color. What is yours?? I would love to hear what color you use as your background the most. Michael Miller CoCo Fabrics This rainbow of fun was

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