The Great Jelly Roll Bash is on September 21st – Join me!

Blog posts from the past

All the projects, quilts and more...


The Golden Hen Rattle

With Jack and the Beanstalk on my mind, I created something called the Golden Hen Rattle. I took the hen design from my fabric and

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Baby And Me Jewelry Set

Jack and the Beanstalk Rollout Month is here! I’ve spent nearly two years drawing designs and turning them into repeating swatches in preparation for this

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Reversible Bucket Bag

Welcome to part two of my quest to become a bag-making guru! (read about part one) My new year’s resolution is to sew my way

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We have some Winners…

Today is Giveaway Day! What is the prize? Tim and Beck’s new collection Garden Project. I know, I said there would be one winner but I

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Book Bag for Valentines

Over the holidays I was invited to a few different friends homes for a party or two. Luckily I was able to put together some hostess gifts

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