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June Dairy Month Giveaway

June Dairy Month Giveaway

Dairy Month is here! and I am sooo excited because I have a few special things lined up  for my blog this month. If you’re wondering, “what are they?” Well… there will be giveaways, recipes and of course, quilts.

I come from a long line of dairymen and share their passion for tending to our cows who create a wholesome and pure drink. Milk. Yes, I grew up on a dairy. Some of my fondest memories are climbing haystacks, making forts in piles of cottonseed and spending summers working on the farm. I have always been mesmerized by the endless hard work my dad embraced. Caring for animals is not like any other job in the workforce. If there was a place like it, I would compare it to working in a hospital — that might come close. On a dairy you have to make sure all of the animals are feed and healthy every day of the year. The farm can never fully close because just like a hospital, there might be an emergency or birth at any time, day or night.



There is lot of feed that comes through our scale and feed is one of the most important things on a dairy. We have a nutritionist that comes out to our dairy two times a month to make sure all of the animals are healthy. No matter if they are small heifers or big milking cows, we want all of them to be healthy and happy. The nutritionist creates a ration (or recipe comprised of different feeds like corn, molasses, soy-hulls, hay, and minerals) specially for the animal.

This is why I think Feed Company is the perfect line of fabric for my giveaways this month. To enter this GIVEAWAY for one charm pack, a pattern, and four fat quarters, simply add a comment to this post. Tell me which dairy product is your favorite. I will announce the winner on June 30th. Mine favorite is cheese, it just makes everything better!

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The Comments

  • Jackie
    June 16, 2015

    I really like ice cream! I also REALLY like this fabric! Thanks for offering a giveaway!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jackie
      June 27, 2015

      I do remember that that you have a crush on this fabric. Thanks for fallowing me. Good luck!

  • kathy brigham
    June 16, 2015

    Ice cream of course! Make mine chocolate!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > kathy brigham
      June 28, 2015

      Oh yes. Ice cream is wonderful. I love Mint chocolate chip. Thanks for sharing.

  • Pam S
    June 16, 2015

    What a creative giveaway! I love cheese – any kind of cheese. Thanks for the chance to win this delightful fabric and thanks for your lovely blog!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Pam S
      June 27, 2015

      Yes. Cheese of any kind. Thank you for you kind words.

  • Rebecca Keizer
    June 16, 2015

    Cheese is my favourite dairy product but unfortunately a few years ago I was diagnosed with an allergy to dairy protein so I rarely have it any more (I miss it & yogurt the most!). Thanks for the chance to win. I love the Feed Company line by Sweetwater!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Rebecca Keizer
      June 27, 2015

      Oh no!! That’s too bad. My husband likes to drink lactose free milk. It’s tastes pretty good. Maybe a little sweeter. Good luck!!

  • Carol
    June 16, 2015

    I would have to say cheese is my favourite dairy
    product, although yogurt comes close !!

    My uncle had a dairy farm, so I know of what you are speaking, when you compare it to a hospital.

    Thanks for the chance to win this lovely fabric.

  • Debby
    June 16, 2015

    Does butter count? There is nothing like grass fed butter. It is so delicious, makes everything taste better and actually good for you too.

    I just love the Feed Company fabrics as well. They are fun!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Debby
      June 27, 2015

      Oh course butter it counts!! Good point. It is good for you. Good luck!!

  • Sarah J.
    June 16, 2015

    ICE CREAM! No question about it… preferably mint chocolate chunk. Love this line- thanks for the chance to win!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Sarah J.
      June 27, 2015

      I agree, Mint chocolate is the best Ice Cream. Good Luck!

  • Katy M
    June 16, 2015

    Definitely cheese, though ice cream comes a close second! Thanks for the chance to win these beautiful fabrics 🙂 x

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Katy M
      June 27, 2015

      It is hard to choose. Sweet or Savory they are both good. This is making me hungry. 🙂 Good luck!

  • amy
    June 16, 2015

    Favorite has to be cheese! Ice cream a close second!
    Lovely fabrics-the prints are so nice!

  • bekki
    June 16, 2015

    I love cheese. Cheese and wine with good friends can’t be beaten!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > bekki
      June 27, 2015

      Lovely and Very true. Cheese, friends, and wine… that sounds like a good time.

  • Kathy Davis
    June 16, 2015

    Ice cream would be my favorite, but I eat it sparingly. Hard cheeses would be my second choice.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kathy Davis
      June 27, 2015

      Hard cheeses… I look this up. ASIAGO, COTIJA, DRY JACK, ENCHILADO ANEJO, ROMANO(parmesan) oh my. I don’t think I have had Dry Jack yet or Cotija, Sounds delish!

  • Emily C
    June 16, 2015

    I love Ice Cream. Nothing like a little chocolate ice cream to cool off with on a hot day!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Emily C
      June 27, 2015

      Agreed. Here, where I live, there are so many of them. Good Luck!!

  • stanleybeagle
    June 16, 2015


  • Nancy Hilderbrand
    June 16, 2015

    Ny favorite dairy product is icecream

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Nancy Hilderbrand
      June 27, 2015

      Yum!! Make mine Mint Chocolate Chip or maybe Coffee no pistachio…
      Good Luck!

  • Amy
    June 17, 2015

    Cheese, of course!

  • Lee
    June 17, 2015

    I do not eat much dairy but I do love a little cream in my coffee at times! thanks!

  • Vicki H
    June 17, 2015

    Ice Cream!!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Vicki H
      June 27, 2015

      Vicki you brought back childhood memories of – Ice Cream, You scream we all scream for Ice Cream. 🙂

  • Sandy K
    June 17, 2015

    Call me weird, but I really like cottage cheese.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Sandy K
      June 27, 2015

      Some of my best friends are cottage cheese eaters. (my husband and Min) So yes, you might be weird but that a good thing. 🙂

  • Dot H
    June 17, 2015

    Cheese…it goes well with lots of other foods.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Dot H
      June 27, 2015

      Agreed. When I was a kid, I even had it with peanut butter. Call me crazy but I remember it tasting very good.

  • Dot H
    June 17, 2015

    Cheese…it goes well with lots of other foods.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Dot H
      June 27, 2015

      Agreed. When I was a kid, I even had it with peanut butter. Call me crazy but I remember it tasting very good.

  • Lisa Marie
    June 17, 2015

    Well, there’s ice cream. And yogurt. And cheese. And skim milk. And real butter. I like it all!

  • Kathy E.
    June 17, 2015

    Well, my first choice would be cheese, too, but since you mentioned that, I will say yogurt! I love the low-fat fruity kinds and it is so good for you! We have many dairy farms in my area too. Dairy farmers are some of the hardest workers and very dedicated tot their profession.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kathy E.
      June 27, 2015

      Kathy your comment warms my heart. Thanks for all of your comments. You just won a bonus giveaway. It will be the same – 1 charm pack, 4 fat quarter and 1 pattern. I will still pick a random number for the main giveaway. So yeah, thanks for commenting.

  • Kathy E.
    June 17, 2015

    Well, my first choice would be cheese, too, but since you mentioned that, I will say yogurt! I love the low-fat fruity kinds and it is so good for you! We have many dairy farms in my area too. Dairy farmers are some of the hardest workers and very dedicated tot their profession.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kathy E.
      June 27, 2015

      Kathy your comment warms my heart. Thanks for all of your comments. You just won a bonus giveaway. It will be the same – 1 charm pack, 4 fat quarter and 1 pattern. I will still pick a random number for the main giveaway. So yeah, thanks for commenting.

  • Doris McCarty
    June 17, 2015

    Yes, it has to be cheese!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Doris McCarty
      June 27, 2015

      Right!! It can be eaten by itself, in a sandwich, as a dip…. with wine. Good luck!!!

  • Doris McCarty
    June 17, 2015

    Yes, it has to be cheese!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Doris McCarty
      June 27, 2015

      Right!! It can be eaten by itself, in a sandwich, as a dip…. with wine. Good luck!!!

  • MaryLou
    June 17, 2015

    This is a great bundle. Love the red!
    My favorite dairy product is good old milk. Sadly, it doesn’t agree with me anymore. I miss it!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > MaryLou
      June 28, 2015

      They are beautiful and complement one another nicely. My husband has had some tummy issues with regular milk so we switched to Lactose Free Milk. Thank you very much for commenting. Good luck!

  • MaryLou
    June 17, 2015

    This is a great bundle. Love the red!
    My favorite dairy product is good old milk. Sadly, it doesn’t agree with me anymore. I miss it!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > MaryLou
      June 28, 2015

      They are beautiful and complement one another nicely. My husband has had some tummy issues with regular milk so we switched to Lactose Free Milk. Thank you very much for commenting. Good luck!

  • Karen
    June 17, 2015

    I’m originally from Wisconsin but now live across the river in Minnesota. My father grew up on a farm, as did other relatives and friends. Nothing quenches my thirst like milk does. Then there is Figi’s Kave Kure cheese spread that I like to pick up when I go home. Can I add blue cheese from a Wisconsin dairy? Smoked Cheddar. Chocolate Cheese. Fresh squeaky cheese curds. This is the short list.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Karen
      June 27, 2015

      Sounds Amazing!! I think I would like to try chocolate cheese. Good Luck!

  • Karen
    June 17, 2015

    I’m originally from Wisconsin but now live across the river in Minnesota. My father grew up on a farm, as did other relatives and friends. Nothing quenches my thirst like milk does. Then there is Figi’s Kave Kure cheese spread that I like to pick up when I go home. Can I add blue cheese from a Wisconsin dairy? Smoked Cheddar. Chocolate Cheese. Fresh squeaky cheese curds. This is the short list.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Karen
      June 27, 2015

      Sounds Amazing!! I think I would like to try chocolate cheese. Good Luck!

  • Amber Garvin
    June 17, 2015

    Cheese. All the cheese. All the time.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Amber Garvin
      June 27, 2015

      Yes. Cheese is truly versatile. Eat it for breakfast, as a snack, for lunch or dinner… All of the time!! Thanks for the comment.

  • Amber Garvin
    June 17, 2015

    Cheese. All the cheese. All the time.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Amber Garvin
      June 27, 2015

      Yes. Cheese is truly versatile. Eat it for breakfast, as a snack, for lunch or dinner… All of the time!! Thanks for the comment.

  • Nancy
    June 17, 2015

    Love ice cream, especially homemade the kind. I grew up on a dairy farm and in the summer we often made homemade ice cream, so very very good. remember helping with the milking, feeding the cows, putting up hay, naming the new calves, etc. Thanks for great giveaway!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Nancy
      June 28, 2015

      What great memories! My sister makes the best Homemade Lime Ice Cream. It have lime rind in it and it is heavenly. Thanks for sharing.

  • Nancy
    June 17, 2015

    Love ice cream, especially homemade the kind. I grew up on a dairy farm and in the summer we often made homemade ice cream, so very very good. remember helping with the milking, feeding the cows, putting up hay, naming the new calves, etc. Thanks for great giveaway!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Nancy
      June 28, 2015

      What great memories! My sister makes the best Homemade Lime Ice Cream. It have lime rind in it and it is heavenly. Thanks for sharing.

  • Elizabeth
    June 17, 2015

    It is definitely cheese!

  • Elizabeth
    June 17, 2015

    It is definitely cheese!

  • Claire Ross
    June 17, 2015

    Cream…wickedly indulgent x

  • Claire Ross
    June 17, 2015

    Cream…wickedly indulgent x

  • Beth Maitland
    June 17, 2015

    This is so fun!! Cheese is my favorite too, but I’d say barata cheese and soft brie relatives might be my faves within the fave. lol. This fabric line is just fantastic, and as I’m graduating up from a mid arm to my first long arm quilting system, I’m spending my summer quilting! Best to you! Beth

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Beth Maitland
      June 28, 2015

      Thanks! That is wonderful. I am so spoiled, my sister has a long arm that I get to use. Have a wonderful summer! Thanks for sharing.

  • Beth Maitland
    June 17, 2015

    This is so fun!! Cheese is my favorite too, but I’d say barata cheese and soft brie relatives might be my faves within the fave. lol. This fabric line is just fantastic, and as I’m graduating up from a mid arm to my first long arm quilting system, I’m spending my summer quilting! Best to you! Beth

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Beth Maitland
      June 28, 2015

      Thanks! That is wonderful. I am so spoiled, my sister has a long arm that I get to use. Have a wonderful summer! Thanks for sharing.

  • MicheleTimms
    June 17, 2015

    I love all dairy products… Cheese would have the be on the top of my list; however, after looking at those cows, I couldn’t help thinking about Jersey Milk chocolate bars… Hehehe

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > MicheleTimms
      June 28, 2015

      That’s a good one. Milk chocolate bars are sinfully good! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  • MicheleTimms
    June 17, 2015

    I love all dairy products… Cheese would have the be on the top of my list; however, after looking at those cows, I couldn’t help thinking about Jersey Milk chocolate bars… Hehehe

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > MicheleTimms
      June 28, 2015

      That’s a good one. Milk chocolate bars are sinfully good! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  • Rose Santuci-Sofranko
    June 18, 2015

    LOL, cheese and ice-cream!( but not together). BTW, one of my cats is a cheese-aholic too…I always have to share mine with her. Thanks and God bless!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Rose Santuci-Sofranko
      June 28, 2015

      A cheese eating cat?? Hahaha. That is funny. Thanks! Love the comment. I will have to see if my cat like cheese too.

  • Rose Santuci-Sofranko
    June 18, 2015

    LOL, cheese and ice-cream!( but not together). BTW, one of my cats is a cheese-aholic too…I always have to share mine with her. Thanks and God bless!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Rose Santuci-Sofranko
      June 28, 2015

      A cheese eating cat?? Hahaha. That is funny. Thanks! Love the comment. I will have to see if my cat like cheese too.

  • auschick in va
    June 18, 2015

    Oh gosh, I love all dairy!! I love really sharp cheese and right now I’m really into greek yogurt :).

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > auschick in va
      June 28, 2015

      I love greek yogurt too. Lately I have been buying the one form Dannon, Oikon Raspberry… It is sooo good. Thanks for sharing.

  • auschick in va
    June 18, 2015

    Oh gosh, I love all dairy!! I love really sharp cheese and right now I’m really into greek yogurt :).

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > auschick in va
      June 28, 2015

      I love greek yogurt too. Lately I have been buying the one form Dannon, Oikon Raspberry… It is sooo good. Thanks for sharing.

  • Quilty
    June 18, 2015

    I love ice cream a lot, maybe too much??

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Quilty
      June 28, 2015

      Yes. I know what you mean. A chocolate dipped cone from Dairy Queen is one of my sweet indulgences.

  • Quilty
    June 18, 2015

    I love ice cream a lot, maybe too much??

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Quilty
      June 28, 2015

      Yes. I know what you mean. A chocolate dipped cone from Dairy Queen is one of my sweet indulgences.

  • Pam
    June 19, 2015

    Oh yeah……..cheese…….I love cheese……sharp cheddar is my favorite! Love the fabrics.

  • Pam
    June 19, 2015

    Oh yeah……..cheese…….I love cheese……sharp cheddar is my favorite! Love the fabrics.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Pam
      June 28, 2015

      I am a cheddar fan too. It’s perfect for grilled cheese. Thanks for sharing.

  • Kira
    June 19, 2015

    There are indeed a great many cheeses in this world. Gruyere is one of my favorites, but a sweet cranberry wensleydale is fantastic.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kira
      June 28, 2015

      Wow, Sweet cranberry wenleydale? Sounds perfect for Thanksgiving. I will have to find some of this cheese. Thanks for the comment.

  • Kira
    June 19, 2015

    There are indeed a great many cheeses in this world. Gruyere is one of my favorites, but a sweet cranberry wensleydale is fantastic.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kira
      June 28, 2015

      Wow, Sweet cranberry wenleydale? Sounds perfect for Thanksgiving. I will have to find some of this cheese. Thanks for the comment.

  • Chris
    June 19, 2015

    I would say cheese but ice cream is a close second.

  • Chris
    June 19, 2015

    I would say cheese but ice cream is a close second.

  • Amy DeCesare
    June 19, 2015

    I love ice cream the best. My favorite way to eat it is in A tall glass with just a little bit of milk mixed in to make it all frosty. Yum!!!

  • Amy DeCesare
    June 19, 2015

    I love ice cream the best. My favorite way to eat it is in A tall glass with just a little bit of milk mixed in to make it all frosty. Yum!!!

  • Jen B
    June 19, 2015

    Definitely cheese for me.

  • Jen B
    June 19, 2015

    Definitely cheese for me.

  • debbie
    June 19, 2015

    Mine is cheese too. Love that darn cheese. Thanks for a great giveaway.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > debbie
      June 28, 2015

      Yes, cheese is the best!! So nice to see your comment. Thanks Debbie!

  • debbie
    June 19, 2015

    Mine is cheese too. Love that darn cheese. Thanks for a great giveaway.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > debbie
      June 28, 2015

      Yes, cheese is the best!! So nice to see your comment. Thanks Debbie!

  • Sandra H.
    June 19, 2015

    We live out in the country and raise dairy goats so like all dairy products but cheese is my favorite and have it several times a week!

  • Jacklynn Grimm
    June 20, 2015

    I’m from Wisconsin and love all things cheese!! June Dairy Days are big around here, too. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jacklynn Grimm
      June 28, 2015

      I bet it is big up there. I went to a Wisconsin when I was little. My sisters competed in a Dairy Judging competition there. It was very exciting. Thanks for sharing.

  • Jacklynn Grimm
    June 20, 2015

    I’m from Wisconsin and love all things cheese!! June Dairy Days are big around here, too. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jacklynn Grimm
      June 28, 2015

      I bet it is big up there. I went to a Wisconsin when I was little. My sisters competed in a Dairy Judging competition there. It was very exciting. Thanks for sharing.

  • Dawn Jones
    June 20, 2015

    I am with you, my favorite is for sure cheese. I don’t know if I could live without cheese. On another note I love this line of fabric, I have been wanting some since it came out.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Dawn Jones
      June 27, 2015

      No cheese!! That would be impossible!!! I love this fabric too. The recipes are my favorite print. Good Luck!

  • Dawn Jones
    June 20, 2015

    I am with you, my favorite is for sure cheese. I don’t know if I could live without cheese. On another note I love this line of fabric, I have been wanting some since it came out.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Dawn Jones
      June 27, 2015

      No cheese!! That would be impossible!!! I love this fabric too. The recipes are my favorite print. Good Luck!

  • Feed Company Car Trash Bag | Brown Bird Designs Quilts
    June 21, 2015

    […] Well, back to the fabric… I love, love, LOVE IT! This is the same fabric I used for my June Dairy Month Giveaway. Double your odds to win some charm packs and fat quarters by commenting on this post. Tell me what […]

  • Feed Company Car Trash Bag | Brown Bird Designs Quilts
    June 21, 2015

    […] Well, back to the fabric… I love, love, LOVE IT! This is the same fabric I used for my June Dairy Month Giveaway. Double your odds to win some charm packs and fat quarters by commenting on this post. Tell me what […]

  • Rose H
    June 21, 2015

    3% chocolate milk! so creamy and delicious. i don’t drink white milk ever, but chocolate milk is my favourite drink in the world.
    great giveaway! and I love when there are fun questions for these.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Rose H
      June 27, 2015

      This is the fist Chocolate Milk favorite so far. I love that it’s your favorite drink in the WORLD. 🙂 Good Luck!

  • Rose H
    June 21, 2015

    3% chocolate milk! so creamy and delicious. i don’t drink white milk ever, but chocolate milk is my favourite drink in the world.
    great giveaway! and I love when there are fun questions for these.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Rose H
      June 27, 2015

      This is the fist Chocolate Milk favorite so far. I love that it’s your favorite drink in the WORLD. 🙂 Good Luck!

  • Linda Webster
    June 22, 2015

    My favourite daily product is cheese, especially old cheddar.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Linda Webster
    June 22, 2015

    My favourite daily product is cheese, especially old cheddar.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Kristine R.
    June 23, 2015

    Cheddar cheese!! The older, the better!

  • Kristine R.
    June 23, 2015

    Cheddar cheese!! The older, the better!

  • Jo
    June 23, 2015

    I really like cheese – my favourite is Wensleydale. And I like cream for my strawberries!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jo
      June 27, 2015

      Oh, Wensleydale products look very yummy. I will have to keep an eye out for their cheese in the imported section of my grocery store. My mom’s family had a little meat, milk and cheese store in Holland so I love dutch cheese. And the drinkable yogurt that was so good! Thanks for the comment.

  • Jo
    June 23, 2015

    I really like cheese – my favourite is Wensleydale. And I like cream for my strawberries!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jo
      June 27, 2015

      Oh, Wensleydale products look very yummy. I will have to keep an eye out for their cheese in the imported section of my grocery store. My mom’s family had a little meat, milk and cheese store in Holland so I love dutch cheese. And the drinkable yogurt that was so good! Thanks for the comment.

  • Sandy
    June 25, 2015

    My favorite is fried goat cheese!

  • Sandy
    June 25, 2015

    My favorite is fried goat cheese!

  • Jenny
    June 26, 2015

    I like milk! In my cereal in the morning, and a glass with dinner. It’s so satisfying. Thx for the chance to win!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jenny
      June 27, 2015

      Me too. I have been eating Special K in the morning. It’s the perfect way to start the day. Good Luck!

  • Jenny
    June 26, 2015

    I like milk! In my cereal in the morning, and a glass with dinner. It’s so satisfying. Thx for the chance to win!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jenny
      June 27, 2015

      Me too. I have been eating Special K in the morning. It’s the perfect way to start the day. Good Luck!

  • Nicole Sender
    June 26, 2015

    I love cheese! Swiss cheese is my favorite!

  • Nicole Sender
    June 26, 2015

    I love cheese! Swiss cheese is my favorite!

  • Lori Morton
    June 26, 2015

    What a fun Give-2-way!! 🙂 We love milk here…but Favorite Dairy Product HAS to be ICECREAM!!! lol Ask my Husband…and the Grankiddo’s…giggle..

    • Lori Morton
      > Lori Morton
      June 26, 2015

      lol…meant Give-a-way silly fingers here..oops

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Lori Morton
      June 27, 2015

      Thanks!! Milk, Ice cream… I’m thinking a shake sounds good right now.
      Good Luck!

  • Lori Morton
    June 26, 2015

    What a fun Give-2-way!! 🙂 We love milk here…but Favorite Dairy Product HAS to be ICECREAM!!! lol Ask my Husband…and the Grankiddo’s…giggle..

    • Lori Morton
      > Lori Morton
      June 26, 2015

      lol…meant Give-a-way silly fingers here..oops

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Lori Morton
      June 27, 2015

      Thanks!! Milk, Ice cream… I’m thinking a shake sounds good right now.
      Good Luck!

  • Margo
    June 27, 2015

    Oh my favorite hands down is cheese! My hubby learned how to make cheese as well. His mozza is amazing as well as his brie’s are to die for. Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I’m following you on pinterest as well….or do they call it “stalking”? lol

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Margo
      June 27, 2015

      Thanks for “stalking” me. 🙂 HAHAHA
      Homemade cheese sounds Amazing!!

  • Margo
    June 27, 2015

    Oh my favorite hands down is cheese! My hubby learned how to make cheese as well. His mozza is amazing as well as his brie’s are to die for. Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I’m following you on pinterest as well….or do they call it “stalking”? lol

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Margo
      June 27, 2015

      Thanks for “stalking” me. 🙂 HAHAHA
      Homemade cheese sounds Amazing!!

  • Lee Taylor
    June 27, 2015

    My favorite is cheese… No ice cream… No cheese… Wait… Fabric. Doh! Thanks for the story and giveaway!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Lee Taylor
      June 27, 2015

      Fabric. HAHAHA. They are all good. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  • Lee Taylor
    June 27, 2015

    My favorite is cheese… No ice cream… No cheese… Wait… Fabric. Doh! Thanks for the story and giveaway!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Lee Taylor
      June 27, 2015

      Fabric. HAHAHA. They are all good. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  • lauren M.
    June 29, 2015

    I love cheese! All cheese makes me happy! I am a FACS teacher and we always celebrate dairy month early before school gets out in May! Love the STL Dairy Assoc!

  • lauren M.
    June 29, 2015

    I love cheese! All cheese makes me happy! I am a FACS teacher and we always celebrate dairy month early before school gets out in May! Love the STL Dairy Assoc!

  • Wietske
    June 30, 2015

    My favorite is cheddar/colby cheese…..

  • Wietske
    June 30, 2015

    My favorite is cheddar/colby cheese…..

  • Jessica P.
    June 30, 2015

    Hmmmm. That is a hard one, but I would say cheese. I really love a good sharp cheddar. I also love parmesan cheese. Thanks for the chance.

  • Jessica P.
    June 30, 2015

    Hmmmm. That is a hard one, but I would say cheese. I really love a good sharp cheddar. I also love parmesan cheese. Thanks for the chance.