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Nightlight Quilt with Make Modern

Exciting News: My Nightlight Quilt is in Make Modern Magazine! I’m beyond thrilled to share some amazing news with you all—I’m featured in this month’s Make Modern Magazine! 🎉 I’m in issue 60 with my Nightlight Quilt, and I am absolutely over the moon. This design has been sitting in my stack of ideas for what feels like forever, and now it’s finally out there for the world to see! I’m so full of gratitude and joy. Working with Make Modern on this quilt gave me just the push I needed to finally get this pattern written. It also brought a little extra income into my side hustle, which lets me breathe a sigh of relief. They are wonderful to work with!! They actually just sponsored The Great Jelly Roll Bash which was so much fun!! Check it out in Make Modern Magazine, Issue 60! You can find my Nightlight Quilt in issue 60 of Make Modern Magazine if you buy it, use my affiliate link—it helps me make a few cents from your purchase and supports more pattern-making dreams! The Details: Quilting Techniques & Materials The fabric was generously

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Apparel Sewing

Making a Quilt Jacket from a Burda

I come from a family that subscribed to Hoard’s Dairyman, National Geographic, and Burda. To this day, as a farmer’s daughter, I still love flipping through the knee-high stacks of Burda magazines my mom has collected over the years. In fact, I even have a small stack of five Burda magazines that have somehow lost their way and found a home on my bookshelf. Quilt Jacket: A Three-Year Work in Progress Each year, I pull them out and dream of making a jacket. I’ve actually been working on triangles from my Terracotta Fiori Quilt Pattern to create a jacket. It’s a personal project I started during my first quilting cruise, that I taught with Stitchin’ Heaven. However, without a deadline, it’s hard to find the time to sew just for fun. A Burst of Inspiration While I was writing the pattern that Quilter on Fire‘s design for the Great Jelly Roll Bash, my quilt room became cluttered with an extra layer of quilt blocks. I knew it was time to clean up! With a creative spark in my heart, a new project quickly rose to the top of my to-do

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