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Bullseye Quilt Kits For Sale

Guess what!!! I am selling fabric. EEKKK I know I have dabbled in it here and there, but I have decided that I want to be able to offer kits of some of the patterns I design and write soooooo I am all in. If you are subscribed to my newsletter this is old news, but I haven’t shared on my blog until now. This is my first kit that I have made. It is the Bullseye Quilt. I have always loved the bullseye design. Definitely a classic that never goes out of style. The pattern is from (RSS) Ruby Star Society. They did a Super Bowl Quilting Sew Along and I joined in on the fun. You can see what others made with (the hashtag) #rssbullseyeqal. I fell behind because I started the quilt on Saturday during a Zoom sew day. Let me just say as much as I enjoy sewing with others, I tend to have to take things out. And let me say I did a lot of seam ripping after I struggled with the decision of,  should I move forward? Or should I take it out?

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Easy Make- The Shaded Trail Quilt

DanDaDaDan!! I seem to be on a roll. I am so excited about working with the Fat Quarter Shop and Riley Blake Designs that I decided to turn today into a party. So, get yourself a drink, (mine is a cup of tea) and some treats (mine are fat quarters of my favorite fabrics and a DingDong) and let’s talk about all the quiltie things. Oh, and don’t forget to read until the end because… I will be giving a fabric bundle away.  Okay, I am ready now. Everyone, this is the Shaded Trail Quilt. It is a pattern that the Fat Quarter shop created for their Vintage and Classic Series. In that series they tell you about the publication the original block was found in and how you can make it using modern notions and techniques. They will be releasing a video with all the steps on how to make the block later this month, but you can get a feel for the series by clicking here, the link will send you over to their YouTube channel where you will find all kinds of videos and tutorials from the

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