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Em’s Bridal Shower Tablecloth: My Creative Journey

So, I did this thing!!! I stepped outside my comfort zone and created something that I have fallen in love with. I had a similar idea percolating in the back of my mind, but a project for my niece was the push I needed to bring it to life. Emily—or as I like to call her, Em—is my brother’s oldest daughter and the third of my siblings’ kids to get married. When I told her I’d love to help in any way, I was thrilled when she reached out, asking me to make a tablecloth for her bridal shower. She sent me a few examples of what she envisioned: hand-stitched tablecloths. One featured flowers and bugs with a spring theme, and another looked like a table set for dinner. She had already purchased artwork on Etsy for cards and other wedding prep materials. With her vision in mind, I was set to create a bridal shower tablecloth. The Creative Spark for the Bridal Shower Tablecloth The curtains in my bedroom are stitched with thick thread. Giving me the idea of recreating the hand-stitched look Em wanted. Since my sewing machine

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Lightning Quilt Block

Welcome to another Quilt Block Mania Tuesday! 🎉 This month, we’re celebrating everything that sparkles. From glittering stars to shimmering gems, December’s theme is all about the twinkle. As I thought about sparkle, I thought about Mother Nature’s fireworks: lightning! Allow me to introduce the Spark of Light Quilt Block, a design that captures the drama of lightning streaking across the sky. This bold block is perfect for adding spark of energy to your next quilt project. Why Lightning? For me, lightning feels like a little reminder from nature to look up and be amazed. It’s powerful, fleeting, and oh-so-sparkly in its own fierce way. When designing this block, I wanted to channel that vibrant energy with sharp angles and contrast. Ways to Use the Spark of Light Block Tips for Sewing the Spark of Light Block Get Your Free Block! You can download the Spark of Light Quilt Block for free during the entire month of December! Consider it my holiday gift to you. After December, it will move to the shop—so don’t wait to grab your copy. Subscribe and get the Spark of Light Quilt Block * indicates

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