Quilted Plant Hanger – DIY
Happy St. Patty’s Day!! I have a plant obsession! I show little snippets of it in my newsletter, but I haven’t talked a lot about it here. Over the pandemic, my plant collection has grown from a small area close to one window to having multiple plants in each and every room. I even have one room that has more than 45 plants in it. I love watching them grow. There is one particular window that has 5 hoyas hanging in pots. It has the best light, and if you don’t believe that, I will have to show you the flowers. I had never had a hoya flower in my care, it is not a coincidence. It is definitely not me. It’s the window. I have one small space at the edge of that window that would fit another pot. I have a few pots empty, but they don’t hang. As I was shopping around on the internet, I decided I could make my own. I present to you, the quilted plant hanger. This is how I made it! To sign up for my newsletter click here. Quilted Plant Hanger