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From the Heart: Hand Quilt Block

Are you ready to embark on a creative journey that will touch your heart? In the world of quilting where the quilt block is queen, Block Mania is everything. As we dive into this month’s theme and 28 quilt bocks centered around making, let’s explore how we can make each quilt block with heartfelt intentions. I have a very special block for you, a hand quilt block which represents every type of making. This is my Made with Love quilt block. For my fabrics I used Ruby Star Society. Don’t you just love the floral background fabric?? And this grey is my new obsession. The free quilt block consists of many pieces, and they are all pieced together traditionally. Surprisingly the block comes together quickly. Whether you are an experienced quilter or a novice expanding your skills this quilt block is for you. The Made with Love quilt block is 12 ½” and you can add it to a quilt with many different blocks, a sampler quilt. Or add it to the back of the quilt in place of a quilt label. By adding an extra strip to the bottom

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Make this Easy Rainbow Quilt

Happy New Year!!! Yes, I am a little late on these well wishes but I got sick on that day and my day job has been keeping me way too busy. I did sneak in some planning for the new year. All of this has kept me on my toes. Since my mind has been circling around the idea of renewal, resetting, and new goals I remembered something… I just realized I haven’t shared my Color Turn Quilt Pattern here or put it in my shop yet. The Color Turn Quilt Pattern is my take on a modern rainbow quilt. Jelly Roll Friendly Quilt Pattern Now this isn’t an official pattern release. It was released back in September of 2022, and it was part of a pattern bundle for Jelly Roll Day. The bundle had one pattern from five different designers. And it was so much fun to organize. Working with the other ladies, creating the pattern, and then having a live zoom party on Jelly Roll Day called the Great Jelly Roll Bash was a wonderful experience. I can’t wait to do it again!! And yes. We are definitely

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