DIY Jelly Roll Scarf: Easy Beginner’s Project
Whether you are looking for a gift for a specific holiday. Or something special for yourself, something handmade is always better than store-bought. The ingredients to a handmade project start with love, add in time, and you end up with something unique that no one else will have. Christmas is coming up quickly, and I wanted to give you the perfect gift for the dearest person in your life. No matter what their style is everyone can use a scarf. This is an infinity scarf meaning that it doesn’t start or stop but goes around in a full circle. I created this quirky and fun DIY Jelly Roll Scarf using Michael Miller’s Garden Pindot Jelly Roll. Its version is full of color, like a rainbow. But you can customize the look by picking a jelly roll that reminds you of the person you are making it for. DIY Jelly Roll Scarf – Supplies: This is a super simple project that you can finish in one weekend or less. I had everything I needed to make this scarf in my home. That’s right. I didn’t buy anything online, and I didn’t