The Great Jelly Roll Bash is on September 21st – Join me!

Blog posts from the past

All the projects, quilts and more...


Crosses Galore

I finished this baby quilt just in time for Christmas. It was a gift for Valentina, my nine-month-old niece. You may remember it from past

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Beanstalk Give-Away Winners

The winners are (drum roll)…….MeghanCarolDebbie I know, originally I said there would be 2 winners but let’s make it 3 winners. I will send out

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The Giving Challenge II

This is my yearly challenge. I am making this my THING. In honor of the holiday Thanksgiving, I use the month of November to focus

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Status update

After much cutting, arranging, rearranging, sewing, taping, ironing, pining, sewing, laying-out, pining & more….  I am almost done. At the moment I am machine quilting

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Organizing Magazines

Organizing is one of my biggest obstacles. My husband calls me “baby hoarder” and says that at any moment I can explode into a full

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Yoga Bag

Yoga is one of my favorite ways to work out. It is centered on balance, strength, and stretching all done on top of a mat.

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