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Organizing Magazines

Organizing is one of my biggest obstacles. My husband calls me “baby hoarder” and says that at any moment I can explode into a full blown hoarder. I blame it on the lack of closet space in our home. That is why I am always looking for new ways to organize all of our stuff. Something we have way too much of is books and magazines. I try to get rid of them by recycling them or donating them to medical offices but I still end up with endless piles of them, so I set out to organize them… Organizing Magazines.

Why keep a whole magazine if I only like one page in it?

Years ago, I started ripping out all of the pages that I liked so I could just keep those pages and not the whole magazine. However I would find these pages everywhere: in my drawers, in books and even on my nightstand. At one point I attempted to put them into a binder but the dog chewed it up.

Materials Needed for Organizing Magazines

Cute Binders
Sheet Protectors
Accordion Filing

On my latest trip to Target, I found some fun binders by Pink Chandelier. They inspired me to really tackle my magazine issue. I bought one binder for each category: Cooking, Crafts, Home Decor, Quilts and Graphic and Ad design. I also bought plastic pocket sheet protectors to preserve the pages. As I go through each magazine, I look for things that catch my eye and then I cut it out. My accordion file works great between the time when I cut them out to the time that I put them into the binder since I do this at different times. That way I have somewhere to put until I am ready to organize them.

Simple, cute and functional.

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