I had the opportunity to work with another designer from Tucson. I love that I can send some support her way. She works with Island Batiks a fabric manufacture that focuses on creating batik fabrics. Broken Glass, a fabric line from Island Batik, designed for Kathy Engle for Swan Amity Sheridan is arriving in stores this month! I joined a team of wonderful ladies to help launch this happy line of fabric. Check out each link below to see all the different ways you can use the fabrics.
I thought it would be fun to show off some of my patterns and wonder down the path of what if…
Fragmented Light

Hope’s Path
Falling Stars
Broken Glass Fabric Blog Hop

Swan Amity Studios
Brown Bird Designs
Sew Cute and Quirky
Katie May Quilts
Triangle Frenzy
Kathy’s kwilts and more
KiSSed Quilts
Sue Pelland Designs
Purple Moose Designs
Kate Colleran Designs, LLC
Meg’s Choice Patterns
Swan has a giveaway prize you can win. Head over to her blog post to see the details on how you can enter into her drawing for a fabric stack. She will be announcing the winner on February 23rd so don’t miss out on the chance to win.
Update – This giveaway is closed. Carol you are my winner!! I will email you on Monday, hopefully before. Check your spam folder if you don’t find it. I will also be giving away a set of three digital patterns. The ones I feature above. To enter into the giveaway, leave a comment on this blog post. Tell me what your favorite fabric is in the Broken Glass line. I will also pick my winner of February 23rd.
Be sure to check and see if any other links have giveaways. Good luck everyone!!

Keep an eye out for Broken Glass fabrics, they will be in stores this month!
The Comments
K Quimby
I love the yellow fabric on the top right of the stack! The rainbow effect looks like stained glass to me.
Janet B Best
These are beautiful fabrics! I really love the multicolor mosaic.
I think the lighter purple mosaic circles is my favorite. Really I like them all and they are fabulous in your patterns.
Elisabeth DeMoo
> TeriThank you Teri!! I love how Hope’s path looks!!
Gayle Kloewer
I love the 5 inch tile purple wisteria. I can see it being fussy cut as well as being used in bigger and smaller ways.
Kathy Fullmer
I especially love the top right yellow/gold fabric!
What a great collection. I love the top left fabric with the mosaic curves
Gorgeous fabrics. Gorgeous quilts
Elisabeth DeMoo
> romanele@georgetown.eduThank you so much!!
Debbi Lauzier
Your Hopes Path is just awesome..with a nice blend of a variety of colors. I am leaning towards likeing the fabrics with the yellows and can just imagine the yellows working with all the other colors
Elisabeth DeMoo
> Debbi LauzierThank you!! It is so much fun hearing about the colors you like.
Miss Sam Nicholson
I love baton fabrics and consider them my favorite of all fabrics! Your fragmented light pattern came out stunning. I would have to say my favorite one is the top right, I love the colors!!
Elisabeth DeMoo
> Miss Sam NicholsonThank you!! I love how the fragmented light pattern as well.
Kathy E.
All the purples are my favorites in this collection!!
Wouldn’t Fragmented Light look cool on the back of a jeans jacket? Of course, it would have to be sized down, but maybe possible!
Elisabeth DeMoo
> Kathy E.Oh my goodness yes!! I have wanted to downsize the pattern so yes. It is possible.
Love the aquas!
Martha Ann DeMarco
> mumbird3These quilts are gorgeous!! Love the batks,esp the aquas
carol denning
The 3 marine blues, cobblestones, mosaic circles and darker blue with dots.
Lori Smanski
wow your quilts are gorgeous. I love the purple and turquoise with swirls and yellow bricks with multi colored splotches of pink and blue. thanks for sharing and inspiring. cant wait to play with these fabrics
Elisabeth DeMoo
> Lori SmanskiThank you so much!!
I like them all. Favorite is the spice.
Your patterns are awesome.
Mary Klun
All your quilts are beautiful, I do like Hope’s Path, then, Falling Stars. I like tro yellow w/little circles and splashes of orange in it.