Something awesome happened!! I talked about it on Instagram, but haven’t shared it here on my blog. I am one of seven Michael Miller brand ambassadors. It is so exciting! A big box of fabric was delivered a few weeks ago, and I have been busy trying to decide what designs I will take from idea to written pattern. I think I have narrowed down my list to about five. Fingers crossed I will get to them all written soon.

As I was fretting about getting something new out. I decided to take a breath and make another version of my Garden Star 5 quilt. Within the box that Micheal Miller sent me, I found a bolt of white fabric along with a blot of black fabric and some precuts. Making it the perfect opportunity to try something new, black as a background fabric. It seems like I always use white on white or white on cream. It has become my go-to background color. What is yours?? I would love to hear what color you use as your background the most.

Michael Miller CoCo Fabrics
This rainbow of fun was made with CoCo, one of Micheal Miller’s basic fabric lines. I love basics because they are reliable. They stay around for a long time, meaning you can buy them today and have the opportunity to buy that fabric again when you are actually using it. CoCo has 10 different colors with 5 hue variations making the perfect gradients. It has great texture that is created with dots, another thing I love. It reminds me of a canvas or jean.

The Garden Star Series is great for a half yard bundle or even a fat quarter bundle. In fact, I only used 8 fat quarters for the quilt top. And then another 3 fat quarters for binding.
Since the CoCo fat quarter set that I broke open came with 21 fabrics, I have plenty to share. That is right! This is the perfect giveaway opportunity. I will be giving away 9 fat quarters. Keep reading to find out how to enter the giveaway!

This quilt was a continued new experience down to the quilting. Three weeks ago, I got a used Bernina Q20. This is the first quilt I quilted on the machine. I also just bought a set of chalk and stencil templates, for quilting. Which I used on two corners of the quilt. I picked the succulent template and then I used a quilting ruler for the first time to create the clam shells.

Fat Quarter Giveaway
Giveaway Closed – lauriequilts2 you are the winner!! I will email you tomorrow requesting your mailing address. Ok. Let’s talk giveaway!! I will be giving away 9 fat quarters. To enter into the giveaway, in the comments below, tell me what your favorite quilty outing is. I love going to quilt shows, sew days, guild meetings, and even taking classes. Basically, anything quilty. My goal is to announce the winner on St Patrick’s day, 3/17/23. GOOD LUCK!!
Thanks for stoping by. I hope you have a wonderful day and get to spend some time quilting!

The Comments
Kathleen Quimby
Congratulations on becoming an ambassador! I love the texture of the basics you used.
Paula Nock
My favorite quilty outing is going away to a quilt retreat for a few days to sew with friends.
Susan N.
Congratulations on your ambassadorship appointment. I love this quilt with the black background. My favorite quilty outing is going to a quilt show or on a quilt-shop hop.
Caryn S
It depends on my mood. A guild bus trip is in my future, but I like quilt shows, retreats, and just going to new shops as well.
Congratulations!!🎉 favorite outing is basically anything quilty, shows, retreats, sew days, guild meetings, classes….
This Garden Star 5 is beautiful! I rarely use white as background and this one with the black background is stunning! Well done!
How exciting! And, what a beautiful quilt! I host two quilt retreats in the mountains with about a dozen friends. It’s always great fun full of inspiration, help, laughs, and food, of course.
Sara Q
I think a favorite activity is ‘shop hopping’. It’s nice to see what’s news and get inspired to get sewing!!
Robyn Conners
Any quilty outing is my favorite. For the first time ever I am taking a quilting cruise at the end of May. I am super excited about this outing!!
Hi, I’ve always loved going to Quilt Shows ! Thanks for sharing your great hints and this neat Giveaway!!!
I love your new pattern! My favorite is to go to quilt shows. I get to see all the different types of quilts and other fabric designs. I use black backgrounds a lot. It makes the colors pop. I also love shop hops.
I love going on quilt shop hops seeing all the variety in the stores.
My favorite quilty outings are first buying fabric that I don’t need, then seeing a quilt show if I”m lucky enough to have one near me. Thanks for sharing your ambassador fun.
My favorite quilty outing is going to quilt shops. Love all the inspiration.
Diane Lacey
I love going to my patchwork and quilting group
I learn so much from other more experienced quilters
Their knowledge to free to all and their company is so beautiful as no question I ask is always answered professionally and with love
Yours in quilting
Di lacey
I’m so happy for you! Congratulations on being an ambassador. And thanks for offering this generous giveaway – and for everything else that you share! I love going to quilt shows but my favorite quilty outing is going to a monthly guild meeting – friends, eye candy, learning, and snacks – a great evening!
This quilt is stunning! I love dark backgrounds. They really make colors sing! I look forward to seeing what else you get up to with your new (to you) machine.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m very new to quilting and love going to new quilt shops and quilt shows to see new patterns and designs
Trinh Q.
I like to go out, hang out in out little group in SLC. Beautiful design there, love it.
Those colors are fabulous, I like black or grey backgrouns over white. I enjoy wondering around quilt shops to get inspiration as well as following a couple YouTub channels to learn new techniques.
Ann English
I love quilt shows. I also love retreats and sew days
Kirsten Balatgek
One of my favorite quilting outings is the fabric store :). But does it count that my friends come to my house to quilt in my studio?
Sharee Ballantyne
I love shopping for the fabrics. I also enjoy a class when I can get to one.
Pretty quilt. Quilt shows are fun, love seeing all the different quilts, designs and fabrics. In the future I want to make a quilt with black background and batiks.
Kathy E.
Oh, that dark background makes this Garden Star 5 quilt just jump! Such a gorgeous design, Elizabeth!
Even though a quilt retreat is on my bucket list, the only quilty outing I’ve ever done is shopping for fabric. Whether it’s online or in my local quilt shop, it’s always fun!
Cathy Hepburn
My favorite quilty thing is getting together with my quilting buddies and either having a sew day or going to a quilt show. I absolutely love the Garden Star 5 pattern with the black background and the purples & pinks. Stunning. I frequently use black as a background, along with cream, white on white, and sometime surprise myself with a print.
Veronica Phillips
I live in Georgia, and I really enjoy the South’s craft fall festivals! I especially enjoy visiting the Quilter’s craft booths at these festivals! I love checking out other quilters craftsmanship! It gives me ideas, and encourages me to be a better quilter!
Patti Keene
My favorite outing is going from Utah to the Beach in Ventura, CA. We call it “Sew Beachy”; friends getting together to sew, share and love of quilting that brings us all together.
Lisa England
I do love going to quilt shows! Since Covid though, I haven’t really had/taken the opportunity to go. One day I hope to go again. Even without outings though, quilting makes me happy on a daily basis.
I love going to quilting classes. The energy at a class is exciting along with learning some thing new and making new friends.
Love the black background on your quilt! My favorite quilty outings are quilt shop hops. Get to visit many new to me stores and see lots of variety.
Doreen S
My favorite quilting outing is fabric shopping, online or at stores. Also looking at the beautiful quilts pictured on the internet. Then staying home and quilting to my heart’s content! I really love your quilt with the black background. It really pops the colors. I’m not fond of light colored backgrounds so I usually choose darker backgrounds and don’t have may lighter ones. But I’m forcing myself to try some low volumes for a quilt. Now I just have to get some.
Marcia Escarcega
WOW, the black background sure did make your pattern look different. It pops with the CoCo fabric. I too am a light background girl. My favorite quilty outing is to go to quilt shops and I pause when I walk in the door and just look around at all the beautiful colors, quilts, pre-cuts, patterns and of course the ladies that work there. It just makes me smile to just stand and take it all in. Then I start on one side and walk all around normally finding some so many things I want!! And at my favorite shop is where I got one of your cute shirts and eventually meeting you, such fun!
Sara Q
Love how the black background makes the colors shine! Fun quilts outing…. Traveling with friends to a different town to shop a newish quilt store and go out for lunch. Also, meeting up with friends at a local quilt shop is a blast!