Welcome. Welcome. Ahhhhh! I am so excited. Today is the day!! That’s right today is the release day for my Mountain Breeze Quilt Pattern. It is finally ready. This quilt has been on a long and windy journey with me. It has been simmering in the back of my head since the first Quilt Con I attended back in 2017. It was something I saw in the city that caught my eye and it has stuck with me ever since. Like all my pattern release parties, this comes with a giveaway and a lot of fun so keep reading. Let’s dive in…

The Hexagon
I love using this element to create a quit. There are three ways you can create a quilt with a hexagon, use a full hexagon with includes y-seams, create two half hexagons which can be sewn into rows to avoid the dreaded y-seam, or make triangles that create a hexagon and depending on the triangle you can or cannot use a y-seam. This is my fifth pattern that I have designed that is made with hexagons. The others are Yoya, Falling Stars, Stars in Pieces, Terracotta Fiori, Inflorescence, Color Turn and Busy Bee Quilt. This quilt, the Mountain Breeze quilt is a fun and easy quilt to make. Perfect for a beginner that is looking for something more. Or great for the seasoned quilter wanting a simple quilt to make. There is only the small technical challenge of working with angled edges. The pattern comes with a template, but templates can be frustrating, so I designed the pattern to work with Julie Herman’s ruler, Hex N More. Making this quilt with her ruler makes it a breeze.

Strip piecing is a cornerstone in my quilting foundation. If I can use them, I will. They make the quilting process streamline which makes it quick. We start the pattern by cutting strips that will create a gradient. This gradation makes that fabric vibrate and the colors sing. Don’t you just love it when this happens? Exploring color can be so much fun. For this quilt I used my current favorite color, teal. Then I used the colors found in the teal fabrics to bring in additional fabrics.
Let’s dig a little deeper into the fabrics used in the Mountain Breeze Quilt.
I am so in love with Koi Pond from Ruby Star Society (a division of Moda). Rashida Coleman-Hale designed this line of fabric to be fun, playful, and light. Like a sunny day on the lake. I love the colors!! I love the designs. And I love, love, love the birds. They are so beautiful!! The fish come in for a close second favorite… The fabric pulls in an array of teals, yellows and oranges, blacks, and even pinks. A very versatile line. What is your favorite fabric from Koi Pond?

Because my goal has been to kit the Mountain Breeze quilt, I have slowly brought other fabrics in that work with the Koi Pond designs like the floral print from RSS’s Darlings 2 line, the seaweed from Sara Watts Florida line, and a cream from First light. I think it is so smart how the ladies of RSS design in colors that can work well with other lines. That way if you have some of their fabrics in your stash, you can get some of their new fabrics and they will match. I love prints, so being able to mish mash fabric lines makes your stash go a long way.

To get the hex and more rulers click here.
Putting it all together
In my stash I found the perfect backing, goldfish from an old RSS line back when they were Cotton and Steel. This is a fabric that makes me laugh each and every time I look at it. That is because it has metallic goldfish that are actual goldfish. LOL. I paired it with a cotton Hobbs Batting. I spray basted the three layers together and quilted it with my extra-large spool of Auriful thread. My initial thought was to quilt it like water, slight waves, quilting I used for the paper boats quilt I made a few years back. However, when I tried to start quilting it, I wasn’t feeling it. I quickly pivoted and quilted lines instead. I quilted three rows of straight lines with tightly spaced lines and then three rows of straight lines on both sides of the seam. The texture I achieved is light and airy.

I would love to see what you make so share, share. On Instagram use the hashtag #mountainbreezequilt. I like to do a quarterly giveaway on the hashtags using #brownbirddesignscreations. The winner must use a pattern or tutorial by me to qualify and don’t forget, I can’t see your image if your account isn’t public.

The Mountain Breeze Quilt Giveaway
Ok. Ok. Let’s talk giveaway! For a chance to win a baby size quilt kit leave a comment on this blog post. I will add all the names into a spread sheet and use a random number generator to pick a name. UPDATE- I will announce the winner on September 8th. I was a little late but have my winner. Terri you are are winner. I will email you asking for your mailing address. Thank you so much for participating!!

Good luck and happy quilting everyone.

The Comments
Love this quilt!
Kathleen Quimby
I love the use of the Koi Pond fabrics in this quilt! I might try a fun Christmas version of the pattern.
Jayne P
The fabric placement makes this hexagon quilt look so different. I love it
Love the colors and the way they play!
Rita H
It is a beautiful pattern and your colors are gorgeous too!
Sandra Hughes
A beautiful quilt with amazing colors!
Gorgeous quilt and I love the pattern!
Diane Beavers
Mountain breeze really sings ! I cannot stop staring at your quilt. It’s vibrant but the movement is phenomenal. I’m so happy this pattern came to fruition for you Elisabeth. It would be a whole new technique for me to cut and stitch a hexagon. Thank you for this opportunity to try .
Lorraine Isaac
Beautiful quilt I would love to make one and I have the ruler already, can’t lose with Ruby Star fabrics, Lorraine
florence lesage
Great fabrics ! I like using the hex N more ruler !
Elysha O
I’m really inspired to try quilting in the style you mentioned! I just love the texture it gives 😍
I like the Smile and Wave and the Ebb and Flow fabrics the best. Your quilt is lovely.
Tammy Jewkes
What a beautiful quilt! Congratulations on putting an idea together, no matter how long it takes!
I love the fabrics and such a great pattern for them.
Your quilt is just gorgeous! What a great pattern for using a variety of prints. Thanks for the detailed story of your process too.
Love this quilt Annelies
Charlie DeLoach
I’m in love with your fabric pull and love strip piecing! With the ruler I’m thinking this would be a fun project for teaching the ladies in our ministry project the art of quilting.
Kristine P
I have a Hex N More ruler, but I haven’t used it for a quilt yet. I love the placement of the fabrics for this pattern. You have a great eye for value and color.
Theresa Davey
Love the fabric pull and pattern.
Another gorgeous quilt! I have the hex and more ruler and haven’t used it for anything other then Julie’s patterns. I might need to rethink about using that ruler.
Sara Q
Love the pattern! Love the fabric!
Janet B Best
This is so beautiful! Thank you for the giveaway!