I’ve been sewing up a storm here at Brown Bird Designs headquarters, making all sorts of Reversible Car Trash Bags left and right (the pattern that was featured on the MODA Bakeshop). I really love the one I made for myself, so I decided to add some bags to my Etsy shop! (I think this can be a great gift for anyone)
This Car Trash Bag features Feed Company fabric by Sweetwater. I used the recipe fabric because of its uniqueness, along with the bandana print. It’s very cute! I will try to sell them at my first ever craft fair (woo-hoo!!) on June 27th at Bernina Sewing and Design Center. I am soooo excited! I’m planning on bringing a little bit of everything… some jewelry, bags and quilts. Keep your fingers crossed for me, and I‘ll keep you updated on instagram (@brownbirddesigns).
Well, back to the fabric… I love, love, LOVE IT! This is the same fabric I used for my June Dairy Month Giveaway. Double your odds to win some charm packs and fat quarters by commenting on this post. Tell me what you would make if you won this fabric!? I am so happy with everyone’s comments that I might just have to add a few more winner to my giveaway. Hmmmm…stick around!
Blog post update you can get Reversible Car Trash Bag pattern in my online pattern shop. Click here for that.
Watch the video on how to make the Reversible Car Trash Bag.

The Comments
Kathy E.
I really love this car trash bag! I wish I had thought of something like this last week before we started out on a 900+ mile trip to Colorado (we just got here today!). Trash goes here and there and everywhere…yuck. With a charm pack and fat quarters, I’d make a summery table runner. I miss my sewing machine already!
Elisabeth DeMoo
> Kathy E.Thanks!! I hope you have a good trip.
What a GREAT trash bag! I would use the fabric to make a runner for my table. The Feed Company is such a nice line of fabric.
Elisabeth DeMoo
> NancyI think a table runner would be perfect for this fabric. Thanks for commenting.
v.r. mancha
This is such a cool concept but on top of that very appealing to the eye. I enjoy the colors and the contrasts from one side of the bad to the inside. These are super cool and fun bags. You have such a fresh, cool and creative eye. Keep making rad stuff…
Allison CB
That is almost too cute to be a trash bag!! Love the colours!
I would make some zippy bags – using them in my suitcase when I travel this summer!
Elisabeth DeMoo
> Allison CBThanks. I have made a few bags with Tula Pink & Amy Buttler fabric and Michael Miller… I just love them. The one I have in my car is working very well. You can never have to many bags!! 🙂