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I Heart Racing Quilt Block

Zoom into Quilt Block Mania! 🚗❤️

Happy Tuesday, everyone! And not just any Tuesday—it’s Quilt Block Mania day! This month, we’re kicking things into high gear with a theme that’s all about transportation. I’m thrilled to introduce you to the “I Heart Racing” quilt block, a fun and playful design that combines a heart with the iconic race flag.

Over the pandemic, I got hooked on Formula 1 racing, and now I’m a full-on fan! My team is RedBull. They have a dutch driver that has become my favorite. This block is my little tribute to the thrill of the race, and I hope you love it.

Heart that is created with a checkered pattern making up the I heart racing quilt block

Grab Your Free “I Heart Racing” Quilt Block Pattern

Want this pattern for free? It’s easy! Just sign up for my newsletter. Whether you’re already a subscriber or joining us for the first time, simply fill out the form below, and the pattern will be on its way to you that same day. And don’t worry—if you’re already on my list, use the same email address to avoid duplicates (plus, it earns you extra stars by your name!). The “I Heart Racing” quilt block is my way of saying thank you for being part my quilting journey.

Subscribe and get the I Heart Racing Quilt Block

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Join the block hop by visiting all the other website that have a free block this month. Cheers to Quilt Block Mania!

I’ve had so much fun designing this year’s blocks, making sure they all look great in the same quilt. If you’re looking to add one, two, or even three more blocks to your collection, here’s a quick recap of what’s available:

February – Made With Love
March – Grey Goose
April – Snowy Owl
May – Diamond Back
June – Twinkle Star
July – Readers
August – Favorite Bow

Happy quilting, and may your needles stay sharp and your seams be straight!

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The Comments

  • Lori Smanski
    September 3, 2024

    this is wonderful. thanks for sharing your talent with us.