Guess what?? It’s already week six of our Terracotta Fiori Quilt Along! I know… I can’t believe it either. How is everyone doing?? Did you get all your triangles put together?? Pulling out the paper can get a little overwhelming, but you can do this. Now it’s time to do some basting.

For tips on pulling out paper, head over to last week’s blog post. Last week, we also sewed our half hexagons together. This is one of my favorite steps because of the freedom you have to play with the layout and decide on color placement. After laying everything out, you can reward yourself by stepping back and taking in the view of how your quilt will look. At this point — after I’ve decided on the layout — that I like to take a photo for reference. I can easily refer back to the placement while I’m sewing all the rows together.
Speaking of sewing the rows together… That’s part we are focusing on this week! After sewing the rows together, trimming the sides, and spray basting the quilt together, we’ll be ready to quilt next week. Today I have a few how-to videos for you — and a sneak peek on how I decided to quilt the quilt.
Sewing Your Rows Together
For the baby-size Terracotta Fiori quilt, each row will have three half hexagons and two triangles. Sew them into a straight row. Sew your rows together to complete your quilt top.

It can be a little tricky here. While pinning your rows together, double-check that your half hexagon edges line up correctly. Pin the edges together so they don’t shift. I double-check this by holding on the two edges about half an inch from the top edge, then folding the top edge back 1/4″. If the fabrics are off, you will see it. If they are off, simply adjust and pin them together.
Trimming the Side Edges
This step is very simple. First, find the vertical seam edge of the side of your quilt — the place where the rows come together to make valleys and mountain tops. We’ll cut the mountain tops off to make a straight edge.
Find the point where two rows come together to make a valley (not the mountaintop). There, you’ll find your seam and your seam allowance. Make sure you have at least two valleys on the cutting table so you can keep your edge straight.
Line your ruler edge on the seam allowance and the 1/4″ line of your ruler on the seam lines. Pay attention to both lines and find a happy medium. It might not be perfect but that’s ok because this is handmade. Trim the excess triangle tips off (mountain tops). Repeat until you have a straight edge. Now you are ready, it’s time for basting your quilt together.
Spray Basting
I’ve been using Hobbs Heirloom batting for the last year and I love it!! I like to spray baste my quilts together on a folding table. When you use a spray adhesive (like my favorite 505 Temporary Fabric Adhesive), make sure you use it in a well-ventilated area — I baste my quilts outside on the patio. By using a table, it’s much easier to get up close to your work in a comfortable position.
Just make sure you smooth out all the layers as you go. After you’ve completed the top, iron all the layers together so they form an extra bond together.
I have quilted two of my Terracotta Fiori quilts with lines, so I decided to do something extra with this one. I started by quilting a grid. Right now, I’m in the process of quilting two orange peels in each square and can’t wait to see how it looks finished.

How are you going to quilt your quilt??
What’s Next?
Next week we will be quilting the quilt… EEEEK!! I am so excited because we’re almost done!
For your convenience, here is the timeline:
Oct 8th – Picking Out Fabric
Oct 15th – Cutting Fabric
Oct 22nd – Paper Piecing Tips and Tricks
Oct 23rd – Zoom Sew Day – 9:30am to 1:30pm
Oct 29th – Catch Up
Nov 5th – Sewing Triangles Together and Putting Rows Together
Nov 7th – Zoom Sew Day – 9:30am to 1:30pm
Nov 12th – Putting The Top Together & Spray Basting
Nov 19th – Quilting
Nov 26th – Binding – Grand Prize
Here’s a peek at this week’s gift:

Instagram Giveaway Reminder
You can see everyone’s photos on Instagram by clicking here #terracottafioriqa. You can also use the link to see if you used the right hashtag. Remember, I won’t be able to see your photos if your account is private… And if I can’t see your photos, I can’t choose you as a winner for one of the prizes. After the Quilt Along has ended, feel free to change your account back to private. If you have any trouble doing this, please let me know — I would be happy to help.
If you missed the beginning of the Quilt Along — don’t worry, you can join in at any time. Get your copy of the pattern in my Etsy shop by clicking here.
We have a winner!!! Congratulations!!!
Diane Jackson, send me your mailing address and I will mail you your goodies. If you remember, the gift is a layer cake and a yard of fabric.