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Terracotta Fiori Quilt Pattern Party & Giveaway

Terracotta Fiori Quilt Pattern Party & Giveaway

Over the pandemic, my love of indoor plants has become an obsession… I’ve been researching the plants I already have, and watching house plant tours on YouTube to learn about ones I’ve never seen or heard of. Terracotta pots have, found their way into my heart and living room. They are the inspiration behind my Terracotta Fiori Quilt Pattern. Grab yourself a drink and some snacks so we can toast to a pattern release day! I’m getting myself a glass of Ginger Lemonade — a little sweet, a little tart, and a whole lotta spicy. Plus a few cookies. Cheers!!

shop by & by

All these lush and lovely fabrics are from my friend Bailey’s shop, by & by. She has a great selection of fabrics: solids, prints, and ice dyed fabrics. EEEKKKK!! I am so excited because she will be selling kits of the pattern!! Thank you so much for doing that By & By!! Click here to get your hands on a quilt kit.

Don’t you love the depth of the gradient? The colors make my heart swoon! I pulled from the Pure Solids collection. 

The fabrics I used in this Twin XL quilt include Sweet Macadamia, Peach Sorbet, Apricot Crepe, Dried Carrot, Apple Cider, Terracotta Tile, and Cinnamon. The background fabric is Snow. 

Art Gallery made all these fabrics! And I LOVE the feel of their fabric. It’s thinner than most fabrics on the market; they’re like garment fabric. Like a lawn, super soft. Let me share a few more details about the quilt before we get down to the party.  

The Terracotta Fiori Quilt Pattern

The Terracotta Fiori Quilt pattern is a paper pieced pattern. This is one of my favorite techniques because it’s so exact. Paper piecing makes it easy to get perfect points — and will make you look like a quilting genius when all your “flying geese” have their points. 

I packed that pattern with goodness: yardage and cutting instructions, paper piecing tips and steps, coloring sheets, plus an extra pattern with a different layout. I am so excited this pattern is finally ready. My mind has been simmering on this design since 2018… Yes, it takes me that long to bring one of my ideas to life, but I couldn’t possibly be happier with the way it turned out. l’m so happy with all the decisions I made, including changing out colors and making the border around the flower white. The borders were almost the same colors as the inside, turning them into a sand dollar. 

A couple of weeks back, I showed off a sneak peek of the pattern in sea glass colors. Click here to see that. 

Sometimes looks can be deceiving — it might look like the Terracotta Fiori Quilt pattern has y-seams in it, but I assure you that you’re sewing straight rows together. I decided to quilt simple, straight lines because I wanted the eyes to focus on the piecing. And I have a hard time deciding on quilting designs. I used Auriful thread 2220 and I love the way it looks paired with hobbs wool batting, which is a staple in my sewing room. 

Let’s get partying!! 

Now for the fun stuff!! I have two baby-size Terracotta Fiori Quilt kits to giveaway that Art Gallery gifted me: One is for my Instagram crew (I will post that challenge photo tomorrow). For all of you that don’t do Instagram, I’m giving the other one away here, as well. 

Blog Giveaway Instructions

To enter the giveaway on this blog post, let’s play a different version of Never Have I Ever. In the comments, tell me something you thought you wouldn’t like doing when quilting… but actually loved it when you tried it. 

For me, I never thought I would like curves. I don’t love curves yet, but I am open to them. After some practicing and learning about them, I plan to release a pattern using them sometime next year. Soooo hopefully the game makes sense — every good party needs a fun game! 

Something you should know about my comments if you are new to commenting here: I must approve your comment. That is because I get a TON of spam comments and not all of them are PG. LOL. Ughhh… Not nice, but it is what it is in this digital age. So, please be patient and I will approve them ASAP. 

You have two weeks to enter into the giveaways. I’ll announce the winners on October 1st. 

Drumroll, please… 

Now for the big announcement: I’m going to be doing a Quilt Along! 

They’re something I love doing because let’s face it… I love picking out and giving gifts. So, I’m putting together some fun ones for you. 

Quilt Along Timeline

Let me know if you’re interested in joining the quilt along in the comments and sign up with this form. Here is the tentative timeline:

  • Oct 1th – Save the date
  • Oct 8th – Picking our fabric
  • Oct 15th – Cutting Fabric
  • Oct 22nd – Paper Piecing tips and tricks
  • Oct 29th – Sewing top together
  • Nov 5th – Spray Basting and Quilting
  • Nov 19th – Binding
  • Nov 24th – Grand Prize

Remember the giveaway timeline… If you want the chance to win one of the two Terracotta Fiori Quilt kits from Art Gallery, you have two weeks to enter. Check back on October 1st to see the winners. Good luck everyone!! And Thank you Art Gallery!!

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The Comments

  • Teri
    September 17, 2021

    I never thought I would like hand piecing a quilt but I am enjoying the process.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Teri
      September 17, 2021

      If you have the right mind set it is a wonderful project. I love doing EPP on road trips and while watching TV. Thanks for sharing!

  • Caryn S
    September 17, 2021

    Torn between applique and curves. I am open to both and tried them, but haven’t gotten really into either.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Caryn S
      September 17, 2021

      I hear that!! There are two patterns that I think would be so fun to create but I still need to master the skills of curved piecing before I write them. LOL. Hopefully it will be soon.

  • Gayle Brown
    September 17, 2021

    Congratulations on an awesome quilt pattern. I love your ombré effect! This is so gorgeous. I will be on the road in October, and will arrive in Tucson Oct 21. I am terrible at paper piecing so a quilt along would be helpful. I will see if I have energy for it. Hope so!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Gayle Brown
      September 17, 2021

      Thank you so much Gayle!! I would love to have you quilt along with me. I think it will be a lot of fun. I have been getting excited over adding prizes!!

  • Kristi
    September 17, 2021

    Your quilt turned out lovely! I love the colors. I’m not a fan of Y-seems. Very happy there are none in your pattern! A quilt along sound good. The timeframe looks doable.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kristi
      September 17, 2021

      Thanks Kristi!! Y-seams are challenging so if there is a way to get around them I do. I would love to have you in the Quilt Along!! It will be fun!!

  • Diane Beavers
    September 17, 2021

    I never ever thought I could sew backwards like you do on straight line quilting. It was on one your videos, perhaps during the Mod City Center QAL that I watched you NOT have to turn/maneuver a large quilt. Going backwards is how I Quilt my bigger quilts now.
    Yes yes to a sew along. I’ve wanted to paper piece something big for a long time. Thank you Elisabeth and AGF.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Diane Beavers
      September 17, 2021

      I love that!! I am happy it works for you too!! I am so happy that you will be joining in again. Thank you so much!!

  • Alene
    September 17, 2021

    When I started Quilting 20 years ago I thought I would never paper piece , but I now find it relaxing !!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Alene
      September 17, 2021

      I love how easy it can make a project. Sewing on a line makes me confident.

  • Jan Kaye
    September 17, 2021

    Beautiful quilt! Great use of color saturation too.
    Interestingly enough – Bindings! I thought I wouldn’t like bias bindings – having to cut in such a way… but i love the end result!
    And the second part of bindings is flange bindings! So easy!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jan Kaye
      September 17, 2021

      Thank you!! I pulled a lot of colors in and out and am so happy with the way it turned out. YES!!! Binding was my nemesis for a long time. I am probably at a point now where I am the most comfortable with it BUT it might be my lest favorite part of quilting. Thanks for sharing!

  • Diane Lamb
    September 17, 2021

    Analise, I would love to do the quilt along. As what I don’t like as well in quilting.. It would have to be EPP.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Diane Lamb
      September 17, 2021

      That would be wonderful!! I can’t wait. I have to admit, I have skewed EPP a little. LOL. I like making large pieces and not having everything connect. Essentially throwing what it is, out the window and turning it into something that doesn’t overwhelm me. With all of that… I like it!!

  • Susan Boyd
    September 17, 2021

    I was a little afraid of paper piecing at first, but when I tried it I really liked it! I love your new quilt pattern and would like to do it sometime. Starting as soon as October is probably a bit too soon for me though! How about January? 😉

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Susan Boyd
      September 17, 2021

      Thank you so much!! I am happy to hear you would like to make the quilt. Paper piecing can be scary but the patterns can be more intricate. January / February… That could be possible. I can take a poll and see who can do what dates. If it doesn’t end up working out the information will live on the blog but there won’t be prizes… Thank you for sharing!!

  • Diane Lamb
    September 17, 2021

    I need to adjust my answer. I think it’s when I first saw circles I really wanted to do them but was nervous about it. Now I’ve done all sizes of circles. And it’s fun!!

  • Jayne P
    September 17, 2021

    I never thought I would like paper piecing but it’s the best way to get those sharp points

  • Susan N.
    September 17, 2021

    I didn’t think I would like doing applique, but I found I like doing needle-turn applique, but not so much raw edge applique.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Susan N.
      September 17, 2021

      Needle-turn applique is something I still haven’t tried. I will have to take a class on it someday. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Megan Patent-Nygren
    September 17, 2021

    This block is gorgeous!

    I also was hesitant about curves but now include them in many of my quilts.

    I am interested in this quilt along, too.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Megan Patent-Nygren
      September 17, 2021

      Thank you so much!! I am so happy that you have turned the thing you were unsure of into something you conquered. Cheers!

  • Jocelyn
    September 17, 2021

    I never thought I would enjoy machine quilting on my DM sewing machine. Even though I usually do small projects, I really enjoy the quilting process.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Jocelyn
      September 17, 2021

      Me too. The first time I attempted quilting on my domestic it looked like scribble. But everyone starts somewhere. After I figured out how the brs foot worked it became easier with every project. Thanks for sharing!

    • Suzanne Tarver Vincent
      > Jocelyn
      September 19, 2021

      I never thought I would like paper piecing until I enlarged a pattern and made a wall hanging.

      • Elisabeth DeMoo
        > Suzanne Tarver Vincent
        September 19, 2021

        Yes!! It is so easy to make something manageable by adjusting the size. I love larger designs!!

        • Susan Shaffer
          > Elisabeth DeMoo
          September 20, 2021

          I never thought I would enjoy hand stitching but now I do EPP on road trips and also do hand embroidery combined with machine quilting. Hand stitching has definitely taught me to slow down, have patience and enjoy the process. Love your patterns; they are so creative.

          • Elisabeth DeMoo
            > Susan Shaffer
            September 20, 2021

            I try to think outside the box. That is so kind of you!! I truly appreciate it. I love EPPing on the road. The only reason why I think self driving cars would be ok is so I can EPP on work trips and not have to drive. LOL. Thank you for sharing.

  • Kathy
    September 17, 2021

    Never have I ever… tried FPP. And I liked it. Very satisfying to bring a design to life.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kathy
      September 17, 2021

      WhooHooo!! It is so satisfying!! Thanks for sharing.

  • Kayle Cadwell
    September 17, 2021

    I never thought I’d like binding corners but I love working them until they are perfect!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kayle Cadwell
      September 18, 2021

      It is so rewarding when something turns out exactly the way you want it to. Cheers to putting in the effort!

  • cassie
    September 17, 2021

    Not to sure about curves, I used to avoid them, now I’m willing to give it a go. I’m ready for the sew along!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > cassie
      September 18, 2021

      EEEKKK!! So happy that you will be joining. Thank you very much Cassie!!

  • Ellen Robinson
    September 18, 2021

    Never have I ever (thought I would like) binding a quilt all by machine.

    But I have tried it and love it. You just have to be careful and go slowly. I have had bindings let loose from use, and for quilts that get used a lot, this is my solution. It works for me! 🙂

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Ellen Robinson
      September 18, 2021

      I have bound one quilt my hand and am in the process of binding another one however it has been at the same point for a year… Maybe I will be able to complete it this winter when it is cold and I don’t mind having multiple layers of blankets on me. LOL. I actually have a pile of quilts to quilt but my sewing room is so hot in the summer. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Pam
    September 19, 2021

    I never thought that I would do the kind of free motion free-motion drawing/embroidery that I see in many art quilts. But I’ve tried it and am having great fun with it! Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilt!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Pam
      September 19, 2021

      That is great!! I have such an appreciation for that form of art!! Cheers to trying new things!!

  • Sara Q.
    September 20, 2021

    A long time ago, I didn’t want to try paper piecing. Now, I love it!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Sara Q.
      September 20, 2021

      It makes for a great project!! Thanks for sharing Sara!! I am always happy to see my fellow guild members here!! Thanks for the support!

  • Kathy
    September 20, 2021

    I actually have two never did I ever. The first is, the 1st time I tried paper piecing, I hated it. Now I love it. The 2nd is, I swore I would never do big stitch. I belonged to a small quilting group and they all loved it. I held out for several years and finally tried it and I have finished 5 quilts so far. Love it.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kathy
      September 20, 2021

      I am loving hearing all of these stories!! It is so interesting how processes we never thought we would enjoy actually bring us joy. I need to add big stitching to my to do list!! Thank you for sharing.

  • Cathy CallowayCathy
    September 20, 2021

    I thought I would never do hand stitching. I am trying a few projects now, and it’s ok.

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Cathy CallowayCathy
      September 21, 2021

      I love that it is ok. That is totally me with some techniques. I wish you luck in your projects!! Thanks for sharing.

  • Kathy E.
    September 21, 2021

    Just like several others, it was the binding that kept me from completing so many projects. Once I found a really great tutorial that clicked with me, I actually look forward to that final step! I’ve gotten very precise with my corners and connecting the ends!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Kathy E.
      September 22, 2021

      I am so happy that you conquered that technique!! That is one that I have fought with in the past but I think I was so close to the end of the project I just wanted it done. I have come to enjoy the process of slowing myself down and going through all the steps and I too am happy where I am with binding. Cheers!!

  • Peggy Terzian
    September 22, 2021

    Curved piecing has been my Waterloo, but the more I attempt, the more I enjoy!

    • Elisabeth DeMoo
      > Peggy Terzian
      September 22, 2021

      I am going to have to do a lot of curved practicing this year… I hope to be loving it by the end of 2022!! Thanks for sharing.

  • nlwoodworth
    October 1, 2021

    Never have I ever thought I would like EPP, but after doing a couple of small projects I moved on to a lap size quilt and I’m enjoying the project.