So you went to the grocery store. Spent a crapload of money . . . Now what? Or maybe you haven’t gone yet because you don’t know what to buy. Well I hope to answer some of those questions here with a little bit of meal planning.
Yes, we are into our second week of the coronavirus craze. Last week around Wednesday, I decided to go to the grocery store. I went to Albertsons and they were almost out of toilet paper. There might have been 7 packs left and, lucky for me, it was the 1 ply. Now, that is what I always buy — 1 or 2 ply — because the home I live in has old pipes. I find I have less problems when I buy the toilet paper that has less layers and then there is the added bonus, it usually lasts longer. I bought a lot of stuff. Like a lot!!

I have a secret. I actually like to cook.
The hard truth is I don’t like cleaning up or doing dishes. I stopped doing a lot of cooking because I felt like I wasn’t getting as much done. I would work all day, get a little freelancing done and then start cooking. My husband would get home when I was almost done with dinner and we would eat. I still had to clean. So that’s like an hour or more where I could get some extra quilting done. My husband does do dishes I do want to make that clear. He doesn’t expect me to cook. But this makes it easy for me to grow into a habit where I cook about one time a week. Well, let’s just say this has taken a huge turn in the last week. I’m probably not the only one out there looking for meal planning ideas, so this is what I bought and what I will make with it. Plus you deserved a fun little gift, so I designed a Meal Planning downloadable sheet.
This is what I bought at the store:
Cheese (lots of cheese)
Sweet potato
Bell peppers
Salad (pre-made pack)
Guacamole (pre-made pack)
Hot dogs
Steaks (short ribs flanken style)
Boneless Pork Ribs
Ground beef
Pulled Pork (pre-made pack)
Rotisserie Chicken (already cooked)
Hot Dog Buns
Hamburger Buns
Sliced Bread
Dried Pasta (my favorite is made out of chickpeas)
Tostada Shells
Meatballs (Frozen)
Rolled Tacos (Frozen)
Hamburger Patties (Frozen)
Pizza (Frozen)
Spaghetti Sauce (Canned)
Hormel Chili Beans & Meat (Canned)
Cream of Chicken (Canned)
Tomato Soup (boxed type)
Canned Corn
Canned Tomatoes
Doritos & Tortilla Chips (Doritos are my weakness)
Dried Banana Slices
Wasabi Peas
Liquid Soap
Bar Soap
Face Cleaning Towelettes (because there weren’t any bleach wipes)

When I got home from the store, I wrote down all of the meals I could make with the things I bought and the things I had on hand. I think this is really important. That way five days from now when I can’t think of anything to make, I can look at my list, scratch out what I have made and figure out what I haven’t used yet. Keeping me as efficient as I can be. Also helping me use everything so I don’t wast as much as I have in the past. In the spur of the moment, I used a piece of scrap paper, but I designed a cute download for you to use. Click here and print your free Meal Planning download out.
Meal Planning
When you are shopping for a few weeks at one time this is what you should do. I learned this the hard way. It is easy to buy a lot with the intention of using it; but when it comes time to cook, many times I don’t feel like it, creating waste. Buying too much, not using it, and having to throw it away. There needs to be some sort of reasoning about what you can actually eat before it goes bad. Meal planning. That means there needs to be a good amount of items that can go in your pantry, in your fridge, and in your freezer. Also you should have a variety of options. For example, you are not going to want to eat PB and J for two or three weeks, three times a day.
My logic around meal planning is that I want easy, tasty meals with a few elaborate options as well.
Rotisserie chicken
Chicken Burritos (Meal 1) – Use large chunks of chicken, whole wheat tortillas, grated cheese, chopped onions, tomatoes, and guacamole
Chicken Tostadas (Meal 2) – Shred chicken, corn flat shell, grated cheese, chopped onions, tomatoes, and guacamole
Meal 3 Broth (Meal 3) – When your chicken is just bones, put in a large pot with water and boil (Here is a link). I didn’t add any seasoning but the rotisserie chicken I bought has a rosemary flavor. I froze it so I would have a good base for a soup in a week or two. When I make the soup I will add all the extras.
Tip for Guacamole – You can actually keep guacamole longer than a day if you cover it with saran wrap. But you’ve got to push it down so there are no air bubbles. Another way you can do it is to squeeze a lemon on the top of the guacamole, covering it with a thin layer of lemon juice. This will prevent it from getting brown.
Hot dogs
Basic Hot Dog (Meal 1) – with cheese (because cheese makes everything better) and ketchup.
Hot Dog w/ a Little Extra (Meal 2) – the basic hot dog with Hormel chili beans & meat, chopped up onions and tomatoes for some veggies and lots of shredded cheese.
Grilled Steak Short Ribs
Grilled Steak (Meal 1) – Marinade the steaks in a large plastic bag for a day before you grill them. I use a Brazilian mix. My dad makes the best steaks. He heats the grill before putting the steaks on. Then he puts them on the grill and sets a timer for 6 minutes. After that he flips them and sets a timer for another 6 minutes. At this point, cut into it to make sure it is cooked to your preference in the center.
Steak Quesadillas (Meal 2) – Cut up the steak into small pieces to be used in a quesadilla.
Steak Salad (Meal 3) – Cut up the steak into small pieces to be used in a salad.
Oatmeal (old fashioned and quick)
Oatmeal (Meal 1) – I make mine in the microwave. I use a 1 to 3 ratio. One 1/3 oatmeal to one cup of milk. I add so many things to make it absolutely delicious. Lots of cinnamon is a must because it is good for you. Dried blueberries are great for your mind, but dried cranberries are a less expensive and good option. Dried shredded coconut, pecans or walnuts, and cooked quinoa. To sweeten it, I use two Splendas because the dried fruit and coconut sweeten the mix naturally. Soooo good! I cook it until it starts to boil, and it will boil over so stay close and watch it.
Pancakes (Meal 2) – There are some great whole wheat recipes out there that have oatmeal in the ingredients.
Boneless pork ribs
Pork (Meal 1) – I crush and chop up garlic and put that with the butter into my pan. I place the pork on top of the garlic and then season the top of the pork with Mrs. Dash Salt-Free Seasoning. Cook it for 3 minutes, then turn it over and season the other side. Set the timer for 6 minutes. Then turn it to an uncooked side. (The boneless ribs have 4 sides.) Repeat until you think it is done. At this point, cut into it to make sure it is cooked to your preference in the center.
Pork Quesadilla (Meal 2) – Cut up the pork into small pieces to be used in a quesadilla.
Pork Salad (Meal 3) – Cut up the pork into small pieces to be used in a salad.
Scramble (Meal 1) – Eggs and bacon scramble
Side of Bacon (Meal 2) – Pancakes and bacon on the side
Grilled Cheese (Meal 3) – Grilled cheese with bacon inside; a great side with this is tomato soup
Sweet Potatoes
Pulled Pork Bowl (Meal 1) – Cook the sweet potatoes with onions, garlic, and seasonings. Cook until the potatoes are tender and done, then place in a bowl. Heat the pre-made pulled pork to the directions on the package. Have spinach in a bowl. Cook eggs over easy, I like the yellow slightly runny but all the white cooked. And cheese. In a bowl, layer the sweet potatoes first, spinach next, pulled pork, and then the egg and cheese on top. You can add extra bbq sauces if you would like.
Picadillo Burritos (Meal 2) – Cook the sweet potatoes with onions, garlic and seasonings. Cook until the potatoes are tender and done, then place in a bowl. Cook the ground meat with crushed garlic and seasoning like paprika, cumin, garlic, pepper, salt, onion, and red chili. I like to add a little taco seasoning as well. Add green chili. Cook until done, then mix the potatoes back in. Put some in a tortilla with cheese and tomato.
Leftover Picadillo Breakfast (Meal 3) – heat picadillo, top with grated cheese, chopped onions and tomatoes, and a cooked egg.
Leftover Picadillo Tostadas (Meal 4) – heat picadillo and corn flat shell. Top with grated cheese, chopped onions and tomatoes and guacamole.
Meal 1 Spaghetti – I like to use a canned sauce as my base but then add garlic, onions, red bell peppers and tomatoes to jazz it up a little. I heat the meatball separately and cook the pasta separately. And then add it all together.
Meal 2 Meatball Sub – Use the hot dog bun for a meatball sub. Cut the meatballs in half and add them to the bun. Add a layer of spaghetti sauce. And a layer of cheese.
Refried Beans
Bean Burritos (Meal 1) – I cook the canned beans with milk so it is slightly runny. I love to add cooked chorizo to the beans for a little extra spice.
Tostada (Meal 2) – Corn flat shell, grated cheese, chopped onions and tomatoes and guacamole
Tip: This makes a great side for many dishes. You can use it in a layered dip (7 layered tip)
Cream of Chicken Canned
Soup (Meal 1) – I always have cream of chicken in my pantry. It is a great base for a chicken soup. I start with cream of chicken and chicken broth. Add things like garlic, onions, a can of diced tomatoes, shredded chicken, pasta, and fresh squeezed lemon. Cook until everything is cooked through and it boils for a while.
Chilichilles (Meal 2) – In a pan, cook onions and garlic with a little olive oil and butter. Add the cream of chicken and some milk and green chili. I like mine hot. Then add tortilla chips into the pan and coat well. Scoop some out and put it on a plate top with cheese and a cooked egg.
Enchiladas (Meal 3) – In a pan, cook onions and garlic with a little olive oil and butter. Add the cream of chicken and some milk and green chili. I like mine hot. Then add tortilla and coat. Put it on a plate. Add cheese and chicken and then add another coated tortilla. Layer 2 to 4 on a plate and cook in the microwave. Put it on a plate top with cheese and a cooked egg.

Sides I love to make
- Salad
- Couscous with a lot of red bell pepper, onion, and feta cheese. Season to taste.
- Brussel sprouts w/ ginger
- Caprese (tomato slices, mozzarella or jack cheese slices with basil; or in this list’s case, avocado)
- Quinoa with veggies
- Mushroom Orzo
That was a lot of info. Hopefully not TMI (to much information). Well, stay healthy! Wash your hands often! Clean surfaces often! I am sending you a great big virtual hug and some good vibes. If you have any questions on seasonings or what sides I make with meals, just ask. I LOVE talking food. I hope this helps you with Meal Planning. Keep an eye out for my Instagram stories. I am thinking about sharing what I am making.
Last year I made a quilty wall hanging which is also a grocery list. Click here to see how I made it.

The Comments
Katie kasel
This is excellent!!! Thank you!
Elisabeth DeMoo
> Katie kaselOh my gosh!! Thank you so much! I have been working on it for a few days trying to get the tone right. I am glad it will be helpful.