In my life there are days when inspiration flows freely and I find myself making designs that impress me. Other days, I can hardly find the motivation to finish projects.
About a year ago, during one of my “inspired” days, I designed four quilts based solely on triangles. But a problem presented itself; I had never quilted using triangles. So I made this sketch. In my stash, I had the perfect precut from Riley Blake Designs waiting to become something special and its time was now. This was the perfect project to blend all of its bold colors together. I think the size will be perfect for a little baby and that is why I call it Tummy Time Quilt.

At the same time, my husband and I contracted someone to remodel the guest bathroom at our old house (that now belongs to someone else). To be there with the work crew, I found myself happily trapped at home with nothing else to do but sew. I was able to get most of the blocks (large triangle) done. But what I didn’t know was our life was about to drastically change. My husband got a new job in another state. It was time to move, so I put the blocks way for another time and place.
Finishing the Quilt
Now I am done. I decided not to quilt it. Instead I knotted the three layers together. This is a skill that I learned at a Tucson Quilters Guild meeting. At that point, it was the first guild meeting that I had ever attended and it turned out to be a Quilt-A-Thon. I had never finished a quilt this way and at the Quilt-A-Thon I knotted five quilts. Now I can say I used this technique, although I don’t think I will use it again. I love trying new and old techniques. It is important because how else will you know if you will be good at it unless you try?
Tummy Time Quilt
Tummy time helps a baby build head, neck, and upper body strength. I have heard that a baby should have tummy time each day. It’s suggested to work it into the baby’s daily play time, starting it as early as the first few weeks. The size of the quilt makes it perfect for a baby that cannot yet crawl and needs tummy play time.
I took these pictures at Tohono Chul Park in Tucson, Arizona. A lovely botanical garden that I plan on going back to soon.

The Comments
Bruno Bassanetti
This is such an amazing color palette to use on a quilt like this…