In my mad dash to get out the door, I always leave something behind.
When I am going out of town this becomes a problem. All to often, I forget my toothbrush or toothpaste. When I saw an email on an upcoming class from Bernina in Las Cruces for a Cosmetic Bag, I had to make it. I asked Michelle, (my sewing partner in crime from Big Mama Quilts) and my Mom if they would take the class too. My mom said yes.

I love Vera Bradley bags. This bag looks just like one of her bags (but dare I say better). The class was on two consecutive Saturdays at Bernina in Las Cruces. It has been more then 15 years since I have taken a sewing class. My teacher was always my Mom. This means I have never had to relocate to sew. I have always sewn out of the comfort of my home. I was exited and a bit nervous.

Making the cosmetic bag
In my stash, I had a wonderful yard of Prince Charming fabric from Tula Pink. I instantly knew that it would look spectacular. The other two fabrics I bought the day of the class. There, I found fabrics that matched completely. Complementing my crazy frog fabric without competing for attention.
Working on this project in a classroom stetting was a lot of fun. The instructor turned this complex pattern by Annie into something simple. The Bernina store in Las Cruces is full of energy. As soon as I walked into it, I can’t help but smile. It was a great experience, plus I have this wonderful bag to use.

Thank you mom for coming with me and making a cosmetic bag with me. Let’s do it again! To see other bags I have made with by Annie patterns click here.