I call this my healing hands on heart quilt. I designed it for my mom. She has an abnormal heartbeat and has been taking medication to regulate if for years. Recently her medication has not been regulating it. She and my dad went to California to meet with a doctor that preforms heart ablations that she now needs. She had many tests done there and decided to wait on the ablation.

While they were away, I started on this quilt. My goal was to send them a care package with this quilt and other things, like letters. Even though I finished it in a week and a half, record timing for me. They were home before I could get it sent off. Using fabric paint and markers; I had my brother and sisters, nieces and nephews “tag” it, as if it was a cast.
I think she really liked it. Her smile alone was so rewarding. I will definitely make something like this again.
We Love You Oma.

If you like heart quilts I have a free pattern called Whole Lotta Love Quilt, click here to learn more.